Chapter Six

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This morning had to be one of the worst days of my life. I woke up, a hot mess with a burning forehead. And before I knew what was happening I threw up all over my bedsheets. I had a little breakdown because I had a maths test today which I had been studying for for weeks.

My mother said that I could still do it, but this was a huge distraction. I guess today I was going to spend it in bed and continue being sick and feeling hungry. I decided to play on my PS4 all day, Minecraft of course. It was a classic game which I could get lost into for hours.

At least it took my mind off of the horrible churning in my stomach. My mother had to go to work so it was just me by myself, with my phone always by my side. Just when it decided to be a nice warm day and I felt energised, this had to happen.

After about 3 hours I got bored, instantly throwing up. "Fuck..dude." I moaned out, holding my hair back. I felt so terrible. The everlasting rumbling stomach, the hot fever, a vile tasting mouth, and even worse yet I'd have to take tomorrow off too. But what if it didn't go away by then? And I had to take another day off?

I sighed and slowly lied back onto my bed, gazing at my crystal collection. It was cool of Cartman to get me one, especially a rainbow tinted one. He knew me too well. I decided to walk downstairs with my bowl by my side and watch tv on the sofa. I could watch it upstairs, but I would go crazy staying in one room all day.

There was nothing on the main channels, so I watched about 4 anime movies on Netflix. God this was so boring. I groaned out, just as I threw up again. I felt my saliva string from my mouth, as if I couldn't feel worse. I slowly walked over to the kitchen sink and took a sip of water.

It wasn't much, but made the horrible taste die down. I smiled as I felt a tiny bit better, deciding to make some plain toast. At least I kept that down for..10 minutes? Progress.

I heard the doorbell ring and checked the time on my phone, 4pm. It was probably one of the boys. I opened it to everyone, Stan and Butters separated from Kenny and Cartman. I smiled lazily and stepped back to let them in. I could tell that Butters saw the bowl as he turned pale himself.

"God you look like shit!" Stan exclaimed then sat next to me. Cartman and Kenny sat on the rug, and Butters was next to Stan.

"Thanks." I replied sarcastically and stumbled to the sink to empty my bowl. "Anyway, how was school? My days been shit so it would be nice to hear about you're relaxed day."

"It was horrible!" Cartman practically shouted and I cringed. "That bitch Mr Garrison thinks that he can just push me around and make fun of me! Okay, I only got 10 out of 60 on the maths test, but Bradley got 3 and he didn't dare talk about his results. Dumb retard gets away with everything."

"Don't talk about Bradley like that, he's a really nice person! He just has trouble concentrating." Butters piped up, a little red.

"You're so gay for him, Butters." Stan grew redder than his blonde boyfriend and held his wrist softly.

"Shut up you retard!" He barked, tensing up.

"Could you guys shut up for once?" Kenny said and I mentally thanked him. "Kyle has been sick all day and you think arguing will make him better? Come on Kyle, you've got a bit of sick on you're top and you'll feel better when you have a bath and get changed." God he was so caring towards me sometimes!

I smiled widely at him and felt him link his arm with me, walking upstairs. I instantly heard Stan whisper something, making them argue again. I rolled my eyes but was led to the bathroom. "I need to get my clothes." I said and Kenny ran back downstairs. I heard him scream at the boys then he came back up with a bag.

"Okay so listen, I got you some stuff as I missed you're Christmas present-"

"'s May."

"Yeah but I finally got a job and got payed. But, I got you a few things and I really want you to wear them after you're all done washing you're big dick. Love you buddy!" He then shut the door before I could thank him or anything.

I looked inside and was in awe from the striped t-shirt with a rainbow in the middle. I smiled as he also had a pair of jeans in there with a rainbow belt and chess board-like van shoes. Obviously they were from a charity shop, but that didn't matter, I loved them all! I wanted to shout down to him to thank him, but I waited patiently then spend about 15 minutes in the bath.

I surprisingly felt better, and was too eager to put on my outfit. It was a perfect fit, and I was in love with the t-shirt in particular. It was like; I may look a little straight but bitch there's a rainbow in my heart!

As I walked downstairs, I felt all eyes on me. I smiled greatly and jumped a little as Kenny hugged me tightly. "You look like such a fag." He joked and I laughed, hugging him back.

"Dude I love it! I love it all!" He stood back and put his hands on his hips. Seeming...proud? Well, he hasn't been able to give me anything before, so he probably was. And also it brung out my sexuality a lot.

"What do you guys think?" He looked at the other three and I got a little clap from Cartman.

"The word you used, fag, describes it perfectly." I smiled, I liked to look gay. I was even thinking on throwing on a skirt like Butters does sometimes.. "You just need a skirt and you'd fit in with the community like a chess piece to a board." Could he read my mind?

"Um..can you read minds Cartman?" I asked and he smirked.

"Yeah, and you're thinking of some guy right the name of Markiplier." Oh god..he knew I had a tiny crush on that big star.

"No, dude, I'm thinking of some sweet masculine guy with foundation putting a ring on my finger, his name is Prince Charming." He smiled at that.

"I guess I'm putting a ring on you're finger then, because I'm a prince and charming." He joked, and everyone laughed.

"You? Marrying my best friend?" Stan cried, literally. "Get a life you low-life." He didn't react to the insult, but got on one knee.

"Oh Kyle, marry me you Jewish dumbass!" God he was so pathetic. I pushed him over and got on top of him, making a circle with my fingers.

"No, marry 'me' you stupid fatass." He blushed a bit, and I started rolling on the floor with laughter.

"Awh!" Butters cooed and got a shoe to the face. Stan was set off again, but we all couldn't stop laughing. When my mother suddenly walked inside, she was full of confusion and seemed to laugh. I guess it was contagious.

They all stayed for dinner and for 5 hours of games before going home. I swear I saw Cartman look back and me, his middle finger up proudly. I put mine up in return, then slumped back onto the sofa and watched my mother wash up.

Today was actually pretty good, I guess. In some weird reality. But me, getting married to Eric Cartman? Hah, that was a day I could never imagine.

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