I woke up about an hour ago, scrolling through my phone and going through every app at least twice. My eyes were heavy, I kinda forgot that I had a tiny bit to drink last night. I felt like I was a rock, weighed down by everything. I could tell that today was going to be a bad day somehow.
I saw movements beside me so I peered over to the shuffling Cartman. He was the real rock, heavy and big. Thanks to him, I woke up early because his arm was slapped into my neck, causing me to cough up at 6am. Bloody fatass. I had to see Ike later, our uncle somehow got him from my father, allowing the police to lock him up.
I guess being neighbours with you're psychotic brother pays off. Even though he was a few hours away, I could still take the car as I took it home from the party. I wouldn't mind taking the train or bus, but I would have to carry everything with me. Even if I was only taking a backpack. Still.
I couldn't stay over because, one: I was in charge of the house. 2: I had work to do. 3: Cartman and I were meeting up with Craig and Tweek tomorrow. So I had my hands full. Speaking of 'full', Cartman opened his eyes finally and glared at the blinds.
I huffed and walked over to close them, hearing little grunts from him. I turn around to see him looking me top to bottom, as I had taken everything but my boxers off. I rolled my eyes and threw my top at him. He scolded me with gritting teeth and instantly resorted to his phone.
"Perv." I commented sarcastically. He smirked and shrugged.
"So? You're the half naked one." He replied, gesturing with his hand for me to get out of the room. "Go make me some coffee."
"I'm not you're slave."
"You can be though. Now go, I'm the guest."
"Good morning to you too."
"Ugh, fatass."
I walked off downstairs like a maid, boiling the kettle. I put about 5 sugars in his coffee, as I was guessing that was how much it took to make my sugar jar a quarter empty in one day. I put it on a saucer with some biscuits on the side and stayed downstairs for it to cool down and to just admire the beautiful sunrise.
It then hit me, I just slept in my mothers bed. It isn't too weird, right? I mean, she's my mother, not a stranger. Besides, I only joined Cartman in bed because I was tired and really unbothered to go into my own room. I also feel pretty comfortable with him, despite years of arguing.
I don't mean to call him fat, it just rolls off of the tongue. I've said it so much that it's become a habit. He's a good person deep down, he just needs to work on making people see it.
My mother will be coming home tomorrow which I'm pretty glad about. As much as I love Cartman being round, I just want to chill out for a bit.
I held the mug safely in my palms upstairs, holding it to my chest to stop it from moving so much. I placed it next to Cartman, who just thumbs upped me. I ripped the sheets from his body, him visibly shivering suddenly. It was cute, seeing his body shrivel up.
"Kyle!" He shrieked, probably regretting getting into night shorts while I was gone. I just gave him a smug look before walking off to have a shower. I wasn't in it for long, because he played his revenge by running in and flushing the toilet.
Luckily, I had a shower curtain covering my whole body. I put on some clean boxers before chasing him around the living room, throwing whatever I could find in his direction. "Goddammit asshole! You don't do that to people who are naked in the shower! You leave them to have a nice, relaxing shower!" I argued, feeling the air get pushed out of my lungs.

I know - Kyman Fanfic
RomanceAfter Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best friend is an hour away, he only gets to see his brother every two weeks, and he's straight up scared. It's up to only one person to keep him comp...