That night was full of laughs afterwards, playing Minecraft until it was 4am. We passed out on the sofa, me lying upon him. It was about 10am I finally got to my senses and went on my phone for a while. He was warm and we left the heating on, so I was pretty cozy to be honest.
He woke up about an hour later and peered over my shoulder as I scrolled through Instagram. He slowly sat up from his position, moaning as he had slept funny and his back was probably in pain. I shuffled my body lazily to the other, cold, side and watched him yawn and moan quietly.
"I'm going to have a shower, I won't be too long." I said then bring my phone up with me to play some relaxing music. I lathered my body in the soap and washed my hair thoroughly with shampoo and conditioner then got dried off in my room.
I got a message from my mother, saying that she was going on holiday for a week or so to Australia with her girlfriends. She said it was sudden, and Sharon had clothes her size from when she was pregnant.
I heard the kettle go off downstairs, stretching my arm. I put on a casual top with a black hoodie over it and some jeans and socks. I would probably just stay in like usual, unless Cartman dragged me out.
As I joined him downstairs, he looked to be in too much pain to want to do anything. He gave me a coffee with sugar and ice in it. He tugged me down to watch the morning news. Weird. I never knew he was interested in it. I leaned into him and he even wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Do you think the world will end one day?" He asked and I shrugged.
"I don't know. It depends how planet earth wants to treat us. Who knows what will happen in the future, I just hope that I get to live out my life happy. That's all I want. For everything to be alright. Oh and, um, my mothers gone out to Australia for a week. I guess that just leaves us here."
" does." He smiled widely and pulled me into him. Screw it, his hugs were to die for. He was so inviting and warm, his bigger stomach acting like a pillow. The news was just about a few fires and attacks, nothing new.
Cartman eventually walked upstairs without any words, closing the bathroom door loud enough for me to hear it. I walked into the kitchen to make us some breakfast, I even cooked bacon for once. The smell was amazing and tasty to say the least that I was tempted to try it. However, I stayed loyal to my religion and plated it separately for Cartman's big mouth.
I retrieved my book that was on the coffee table and started reading, snacking on my eggs and toast meanwhile. It wasn't about anything amazing, just a simple written gay Jewish based book. It was based in the hitler times, a middle aged man first being rejected in his family then having to hide from Hitler.
Cartman walked downstairs, eyeing the dish I made. I returned to my book, though, feeling his presence at my feet as I was lying down. I put my foot in his face casually, earning an annoyed expression. "Damn Jew." He scolded, taking the book from me and read the blurb. "This is literally you. Well, if you were 46."
I sighed and took it back, trying to find where I was. It was a tiny bit touchy on me, having been scared about coming out at first. "I can see Ike in a couple days I believe. I got a message last night, I forgot I even got it." I did. It only just came to me. Seeing that message before falling asleep at the party.
"Nice. I'll come too if you want, to make sure that you're bitchy dad doesn't creep near you."
"Sure, it's not like anyone else is around." He smiled softly and went on Netflix to watch some random horror.
"Do you want to go out later? Like, to that new sushi restaurant in town?"
"Sorry, I spent all of my money on a book a while ago."

I know - Kyman Fanfic
RomanceAfter Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best friend is an hour away, he only gets to see his brother every two weeks, and he's straight up scared. It's up to only one person to keep him comp...