((2 days later...))
Cartman and I were going food shopping, everything getting better slowly. I avoided any awkward relationship conversations around him and made sure that we were both distracted. He was getting happier, at least I hoped he was. He hasn't left my mind for any second of the past few days. We've only hugged once, when I caught him crying, but when we did I couldn't help but burn up. Could I really be into him...?He picked up a cucumber and put it down to his crotch. "Look at me!" He taunted, earning a swat from me. He cowered back and put it in the trolley. "Dumbass."
"Says the guy who just publicly embarrassed me and pretended that a cucumber was his dick!" I hissed back, but not angrily. He chuckled in response, dragging me over to the sweet isle. I rolled my eyes as he chucked about 3 bags of nearly everything he could find into the metal I was pushing.
As he missed the crunchy M&M's, I gasped in response and shoved them in his face. "What?" He asked, scanning the packaging. "Oh, I don't exactly like them. They get stuck in my teeth."
"When in the world did you care about you're teeth?" I asked, putting them in the trolley. "Anyway, you're staying over again tonight?"
"Yeah, bro, that's why I'm packing so much shit!" He howled triumphantly as he found a vast bar of chocolate. I admired the big dairy milk bar; it being a 5x10 bar. "This. Is. Everything!" He cheered, giving me one. "Should we challenge eachother to see who can eat it faster?"
"And throw up?" I thought for a second. "Of course! I'm gonna best you're ass, you wait!"
"Nuh-uh! I eat more than you, I can take it!"
My phone buzzed so I looked at it. It was only Craig.
'Craig: Hey dude. Just wondering if you and Cartman want to come to mine for a party, tomorrow. As schools out and it's the only day everyone's free, of course. If you don't come then it's a waste of free booze and food. Better cya there ;)'
I showed Cartman the message. Well, more like shove it directly in front of his eyes. He squinted but soon nodded. "Can't turn down free booze and food." That was all I needed to hear. I hugged his arm and started showing him about one hundred outfits I had saved in Pinterest.
"I was thinking one of these styles for parties?"
"Jesus fucking Christ! Just put on a suit and you're done, god! How can one man be so obsessed over one party? Or even the thought of it?"
"Because I don't want to look stupid." I grew a bit red, giving Craig the simple 'Okay' before putting my phone in my pocket.
"You could go naked and you still wouldn't look stupid."
"Naked? That's an overstatement." We moved on to pay, receiving a little gasp from the lady behind the counter as she took in the amount of food we had.
"Not really." He looked me up and down stupidly but I ignored him and started packing.
Once done, we made our way home. But instead of helping me with the shopping he ran straight in to set up a movie. It was all left up to my mother and I, of course it was. When all was in, the door was locked, my mother went up to do her facial, I beat Cartman up, throwing weak punches everywhere.
"You son of a bitch!" I shouted, earning cute laughs from him.
"Haha! You're so pathetic! All I did was sit my lazy ass down!"
"You could of at least helped bring in the shopping that you put in the trolley!"
"But I didn't." He shot me finger guns, causing me to give him a straight face. He only laughed, tugging my into his chest as he put on a horror movie. He knew I hated them, forcing myself to squirm in his grasp to get deeper into his warmth.

I know - Kyman Fanfic
RomanceAfter Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best friend is an hour away, he only gets to see his brother every two weeks, and he's straight up scared. It's up to only one person to keep him comp...