woke up in the unfamiliar bed to the sound of a buzzing noise. I rubbed my eyes and looked up lazily. Cartman was putting a black hoodie on and handed me my phone. I thanked him and yawned as I answered it. "Hey ma." I spoke.
"Kyle! Oh god I- I don't know what to do I-" My mother whimpered on the other side of the phone. I sat up instantly and stood up to fetch my jeans.
"Ma, slow down! What's wrong?"
"Just come quick Kyle! It's an emergency, I don't know what to do!"
"Okay, okay, calm down. I'll be down in 10 minutes, just stay calm."
"Okay, be quick I don't know what to do-"
Then the call ended. She probably just accidentally ended it like usual. Cartman looked at my concerned face and held my arms, facing him. "What's wrong?" He asked and I rushed to find my stuff I brung with me.
"I don't know, my mom just called and said that I had to get there ASAP. What if something's wrong? I knew I should have never left her alone all night!"
"I'm sure she just broke one of you're things and is freaking out."
"She wouldn't sound so scared. I've got to go, I'll see you later."
"Depends on the situation. You can stop by this afternoon."
I waved towards him then rushed out of the door, ignoring Kenny's question. I checked my phone, 8:25am, she called me 5 minutes ago. I basically ran to the house, opening it swiftly to find my mother crying on the ground. She had no alcohol beside her and she didn't look hurt, so that was good. Everything was intact, what could be wrong?
I sat beside her on the sofa, being pulled into a tight hug. I hugged back, of course, and let her cry into my shoulder. "Ma, what's wrong?" I asked and her eyes were so red they looked bloody and stabbed.
"You're father he- he called me and-...and said that he wouldn't be giving Ike back. Ever.." My heart stopped. Why on earth would he say that. "It wasn't a threat, it was a statement. What are we supposed to do? I can't live knowing my son is so far from me, and I can't even see him!"
"I'll call Ike, he always has his phone on him." I pulled out my phone and pressed on my little brothers number. He missed the first call, but picked up eventually. "Ike! What's going on with dad? Did he say anything to you about not coming here?"
"Dad won't let me out for now, he says that I'll have a better life here, forever. Kyle, I'm scared! What am I supposed to-"
"Ike you better not be calling you're fag brother!" That voice belonged to my father, was he drunk? No, his words came out as clear as day. I heard Ike whimper for his phone back, and I put the call on speaker. "Listen here you gay bitch, you don't call you're brother. He's going to have a better life here, end off. I can't let him live in that shithole you call a home."
"Gerald stop being so selfish!" My mother shouted. "You're not thinking right, give him to us and think everything through."
"I am thinking right, and he has a better chance here than anywhere. Now don't call us again. You're not getting this back Ike! Not until you learn that this is you're home-"
Then the call ended. I couldn't speak, what could I say? That I wanted him back? That wasn't going to do anything. My mother went to call the police and I just sat there trying to call both of them over and over. Did he block my number or something?
I was in full panic mode. Tears fighting my eyes, my heart beating as fast as a horse, my whole body shaking. I felt so venerable to everything. After about half an hour, my mother asked me to go up to my room as she could tell that I was scared out of my mind so she could talk to the police.
I eventually got up, instantly bursting into tears. What if I never see him again? Why does my father hate me? What's going through in my mothers mind? Where's anyone when you need them? I screamed. Yep, I screamed.
I heard someone coming up and knocking harder than my mother would. I felt like they were a tall, buff person. "Please open the door. I need to ask you a few questions." It was a mans voice. Oh good, strangers wanting to talk to me. Way to scare me.
I opened the door and caught eyes with the friendly looking police man. I sat on my bed and hugged my big teddy bear. He looked around my room a bit, probably finding some way to calm me down with a conversation. I stared at my lap as my legs were crossed.
"I heard you scream, do you mind telling me what you're thinking about?" He asked, sitting about 30cm away from me.
"I'm scared. Hearing my dad talk to my brother in such a way, hearing him call me a fag and a gay bitch, it's so frightening to know that I share DNA with that vile man. I just want my brother, to hold him and hug him, tell him everything's alright. But I can't even call him, what can I do when I'm helpless and weak?"
"We're doing everything we can, we're just getting background information on the suspect. You say, he called you a fag and gay, is that how he usually talks? Is he homophobic?"
"He used to call me stuff like that when he was drunk or angry. I guess he's really pissed because he wants to..own my brother if that make sense. He didn't say so, but he's not letting him call me or my mother or probably even leave the house."
"Has he had this behaviour before?"
"No, he's never acted like this with anyone before. It's like..he doesn't care about how we feel, he just wants my brother to himself. Ever since my parents divorced, everything has been going so downhill."
He noted something down. I didn't move, I didn't feel fully comfortable with him asking me this stuff. I don't know him, what if he tells my father what I'm saying?
"Thank you, I don't want you to worry. We'll go down and talk to him about the situation. You have nothing to be scared of." I wish that was true. I heard more footsteps, all my friends came running up. I smiled weakly.
"Kyle, what the hell is happening?" Stan asked and sat by my side while the others loomed over me. "Are you okay? We saw the police cars and-"
"My dads got Ike. He won't give him back." The police man walked away. Finally. "I'm so scared, I feel helpless."
"Awh we're here for you buddy!" Butters said kindly and hugged me from behind. Kenny was inspecting my room a bit, he hadn't really been in here before. Cartman looked a little scared too, I probably didn't look any better.
"I'm sure they're going to do everything they can." Stan said and held my hands. "No matter what, we're going to be here to support you. Never forget that." He pulled me into a hug, but I felt too weak and a little weird to return it.
The front door closed, and I felt my lungs grow out. As hours passed and we were all downstairs watching Stan and Butters play something on my PS4, Cartman sat next to me. That reminded me, he hadn't spoken since he got here. My mother brung in coffee and we all thanked her apart from the brunette.
"Cartman, are you alright?" I asked, poking his face. He leaned back and looked down at my concerned face. He sighed and swung an arm around my neck. "You've not spoken since you got here and heard the news. Is something happening?"
"No just..don't feel like talking." What a pathetic response!
"You're always talking. Somethings wrong."
"Okay then, I feel weird and I don't know how to explain it."
"What kind of weird? Sympathy?" I laughed lightly but he didn't respond. I grew a light shade of red and nudged him. "Don't feel bad, I'm sure that Ike's alright."
"He's a cool kid, he doesn't deserve this." I was surprised to hear him say that, he never cares about anyone, let alone my brother. Kenny was too distracted in the intense gameplay he had just joined that he didn't notice Cartman tug me into him.
I didn't fight it, I put my arm around him for comfort. Even though he was probably dicking with me, I was scared of the outcome too. "I'm scared too." I spoke and felt my breathing go slower, but his heart was racing. "Thanks for even showing up."
"I told you I would, don't make a big deal out of it." I laughed a bit at that, he sounded like a tsundere or something as he grew bright red. I shot up as the match ended, so no one saw us hugging, and drunk some of my coffee. Cartman did the same and I watched how Kenny danced around the room.

I know - Kyman Fanfic
RomanceAfter Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best friend is an hour away, he only gets to see his brother every two weeks, and he's straight up scared. It's up to only one person to keep him comp...