As the weekend came sooner than expected, as we had an unexpected Friday off, I was feeling pretty energised. We all decided to have a sleepover at Cartman's as he got a new PS4. Though Stan and Kenny had complaints, they played anyway for the game; Minecraft.I was seated next to Cartman, and Butters on the other side. We found a hunger game map and decided to go against eachother, me winning. Cartman was definitely a sore loser as he threw every insult at me he had knowledge of. I just laughed, that's how I dealt with them most of the time in these situations.
When Butters went to console him in the kitchen, earning a shout, Kenny and Stan restarted the map and played themselves. I watched them and was relieved to see Butters come out without tears. Cartman had an Oreo donut in his grasp and was eating it messily.
He watched too, but I could feel his eyes dart from the screen and onto me. I ignored it and went up to the bathroom to check in my appearance for the 3rd time. I was self conscious around my friends, because I knew that if I was messy that I would be laughed at later on.
While fixing my hair, I heard a knock on the door. Memories flashed in my mind from Stan's when I heard Cartman ask if I was alright. "You got diarrhoea or something?" He asked in a sarcastic tone but I opened the door for him. I showed him what I was doing and he nodded briefly.
He stood next to me and neatened his hair with me. I heard more footsteps and saw Kenny smirking at us. "Homo's." He commented and I could see Cartman get both nervous and angry, weird of him..
"Kenny, go be yourself somewhere else." I said and he walked in, seeing what we were doing too. I heard music blast from downstairs and Cartman rushed downstairs to yell at them for messing with his speaker.
"You and Cartman seem to be really close lately." He said, looking me up and down as I had rainbow patched dungarees on and a little keychain he got for my birthday; I had it clipped to this since the day I got it. "Sure you haven't got a boner for him?"
"No, Kenny, I've not got a crush on that asshole! I haven't even got a crush on any smoking boy. But I suppose you've got you're eyes on someone; again." I tried to change the subject. The amount of times he's asked if I like Cartman is getting annoying now. The first time, he got a beating from the spoken about brunette.
"Well I'm interested in having a threesome with Stan and Butters but they're not so warm about the idea." He said. I couldn't tell if he was serious or not.
"Whatever. You obviously came up here for a reason, I'll leave you alone."
"Yeah, that black haired idiot put bloody gum in my hair because I put my hand on his boy's thigh." I laughed, of course he did.
"Have fun sucker." I sniggered then watched how Cartman and Stan were at it again. When Cartman saw me, though, he instantly ignored the horrible insult my best friend threw at him and sat down. "Stan!" I hissed, sitting beside the obviously offended Eric Cartman. "Could you guys stop it? I'm not placing blames, but seriously, you're worse than Cartman and I when we were kids."
Stan seemed offended, and leaned against the wall with his boyfriend. "Oh, right, so you can start arguments but we can't?" He barked and I felt kinda offended.
"We were kids, and now we're young adults. Don't you guys think that we should all grow up, and get the fuck over ourselves? I don't want us all to argue with one another, all I want is for everyone to get on." Cartman slung his arm around my shoulder, slightly pulling me into him which put me in a situation of confusion. I could see Kenny smirking as he came downstairs.
"Jewrat is right, if you stop, I will." Cartman said pretty smartly. I put my arm around him too and smiled.
"But you started it, you called me a pansy when I kissed 'my' boyfriend." Stan spoke hurtfully.
"Okay, okay, calm down." I said. "Alright, I want you both to apologise and put this aside."
"No, Kyle! Don't you get that he-"
"I'm sorry." Everyone was shocked to hear the brunette say that, but all I saw was progress.
"Thank you Eric."
"You don't mean that." God I was so annoyed at my best friend. He wasn't being reasonable at all! At least Cartman apologised. I glared at him and he sighed. "I'm sorry too." He looked away, red and pissed.
"Great!" I beamed, giving Cartman a controller. "Now can we play Minecraft together? Like old times?"
"I'll grab my phone so we can all play together!" Butters piped up, skipping over to his coat pocket.
I smiled at Cartman, and he smiled back. Kenny whistled behind us and got a controller to the head.
Also to clear things up, Cartman did have a console before but it broke, so that's why we're all excited to play together. I say excited, Stan still looks pissed.
I ignored it, though, and as Kenny had his legs open I was forced to lean into Cartman. Don't get me wrong, he was pretty cozy because of the extra fat and we were closer, but I couldn't help but feel hot as we were meant to hate eachother. I soon accepted it and leaned into him so much that I felt like sleeping.
As dark fell and Kenny had fallen asleep on the sofa, I logged him out of the game and sat up again. "Butters and I are going to sleep." Stan said as he walked upstairs to Liane's room as she wasn't home.
That left Cartman and I, playing for hours on end that we didn't realise that we were the only ones awake, talking, laughing, getting on. I could feel his breathing get slower, and I suggested that he went to bed, but he invited me into his room too.
I was confused, why would he want me sleeping top and tails with him in his bed? But he dragged me upstairs, not looking at me, and looked away as I undressed a bit; taking off my dungarees so I was in my boxers and t-shirt.
We got under the sheets, him at the head of the bed and me at the end, it felt a little awkward at first until he turned on his lamp. It had star shapes engraved into it, so the ceiling was a galaxy. I was in shock, I wouldn't expect him to have one.
"I have trouble sleeping." He said, and I got onto my elbows to watch him hugging a pillow. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. "Every night I used to cry and cry and cry just so I could close my eyes. It wasn't until I got this thing that I could go to sleep with crying less. You don't mind me talking, do you? I'm sorry if I'm kinda felt centred." I shook my head. "When I found out I had killed my own father, that's when it started. I blamed my mother, I still do today. For sleeping around, getting drunk and doing drugs. I mean, how am I supposed to stop her? Anyway, yeah. This thing just makes me feel better, you can tell me if you want it turned off."
Without thinking, as he started tearing up, I crawled toward him and lied next to him. He looked at me weirdly, I couldn't tell if he was hot from the duvets or what I was doing. I wrapped my arm around his waist gently and he turned to look at me. We just stared at eachother, smiling softly.
"I have trouble sleeping too." I spoke. "I cry too. Ever since my father left, I've been so lost. Without a father figure in my life now, I feel pretty dammed lost. But I found out that it was my mother who was the reason I was raised right. He, honestly, got drunk a lot after he lost his job. He was really scary. Once he slapped me round the face with his strong hand. I remembered falling to the ground into a bit of broken glass. I was so scared, heh. But my mother was there to stop him..after he screamed homophobic slurs at me. Calling me a fag, saying I was a mistake, saying that he was drunk when he got under the sheets with my mother so I was in no doubt an accident..."
I felt Cartman's hand wrap around my waist too, pulling me closer.
"So don't worry, you're not the only one who can get self centred sometimes."
"I'm sorry, I never knew." He said softly, looking directly into my eyes.
"No one did, until now." He seemed shocked at the moment, but soon smiled sadly.
"Could you promise me something?"
"Yeah, of course."
"That you'd never leave me, no matter what. Whatever we get ourselves into, whoever tears us apart, where we end up in the'll always be by my side. So we can beat the worlds ass." I giggled lightly.
"I promise Eric..I promise."
That was the fastest I had ever fallen asleep.

I know - Kyman Fanfic
RomanceAfter Kyle's parents divorce after years of fighting, he feels alone. His family is separated, his best friend is an hour away, he only gets to see his brother every two weeks, and he's straight up scared. It's up to only one person to keep him comp...