Chapter Ten

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I woke up slowly, light from outside beaming into my eyes. I groaned in annoyance and looked at my phone. 6:45am. Great. I shifted slowly, hugging and spooning my pillow on my side. I felt something nudge me so I squinted my eyes to see a familiar brunette stare at me.

"No one else is awake, do you want to go outside?" He asked and I shook my head.

"It's probably freezing." I whispered back and stretched my legs under the duvet.

"This house is cold. Want to go in the hot tub again then? I heard Randy rented it so they've probably got to give it back today."

"Who the hell rents hot tubs?"

"Weird people who get drunk way too often. Come on." I got myself up and stumbled downstairs. It was a mess. Alcohol bottles knocked over, shot glasses smashed, Kenny lying on the ground only in his pants with piss stains, ripped wallpaper and my mother sleeping peacefully on an armchair at the other side of the room.

I sighed and walked over to her to cover her in a blanket that was on the sofa. I smiled. She couldn't have been happier yesterday, or now even. It's nice to know that so many people care about you.

I joined Cartman in the hot tub, getting into my boxers. He pressed a couple buttons to make it warmer and for light bubbles to fizz around us. I was sitting across from him, sitting in the deeper part to warm my shoulders too. He seemed fine, though, and was on his phone doing something.

"Are you going home soon? I've got to drop Stan and Butters off at the airport in a couple hours." I said and he dragged me by my arm to sit next to him. He showed me my phone and it was talking about how a KFC near us was closing.

"I mean, da fuck?!" He exclaimed and I rolled my eyes. "And no, I've got no where to be so I'll just tag along with you and the others."

"You'll be pretty squished then, I'm dropping Kenny off too. My mothers staying another night."

"I'll sit in the front with you then. That way the three skinniest bitches are in the back. How far is it again?"

"About 40 minutes." He pondered for a second.

"Yeah, sure. I'll go."

"And I was wondering, why did you shout at Kenny yesterday? When I kissed him, I mean."

"Because..because I kinda find it weird that you can kiss without feelings and I hate seeing him kiss everyone he can." I could tell he was lying a bit, but I ignored it.

"Kenny and I are just like that. I know, we need to stop, but being single and having a chance to kiss someone and feel loved is just the way I swing. I know he's kissed a lot of people, but he's better; honest. He's going on a date with a girl soon, he's really excited! And if they get together, I'll stop this all. She's a nice girl, and will surely change him for the better."

"If you say so. What will you do instead then? Kiss you're pillow?" I laughed at his sarcasm.

"No, I'll just get on with life. Who knows, I might get with someone too! Get a job will be a first though, I'm looking at working in a café, what do you think?"

"Sounds good. I'm receiving a few million from my grandma because she passed away and left everything to me. So, with that, l'll look at higher education and a house so I can finally get away from my slutty mother. She'll still give me money if I ask for it, though."

"That's good..I guess. I'm happy that you've got big plans for the next few months or so then. And that you want to get better education is a big change for you."

"I know, but I'm looking for a good big paying job. Not to be a hooker like my mother."

"No, no, never do that! You deserve a good wife, good jobs, nice house and kids."

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