0.0 Prologue

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Pain, it was the only thing that made her feel human anymore.

The word pain itself was extremely small, but yet, how powerful in whole. Pain can consume you, or worst, it could become you. She bit down on her lip to the point to where she tasted blood, trying to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes, but it was too late, she felt the tears start to stream down her blood and dirt covered face.

She looked at the ground around her. Her friend's bodies lay strewn about like a motionless sea surrounding her. "What have I done?" She mouthed the words, but nothing came out.

The only thing that escaped her lips was a low groan, as the realization and pain began to set in and overwhelm her, drowning her in darkness. She laid back and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall more freely now.

I'm dying; she thought to herself, this is what death feels like. A realization shot through her mind. I'm only seventeen years old, and I'm dying.

As the words crept through her head, panic started to set in. She couldn't move. She was frozen in a blanket of terror and pain. That was when she heard it. It was faint, like the raindrops falling upon the ground all around her.

A low cackle came out from the darkness that surrounded her; it was almost a giggle that sounded like a hyena, closing in on its prey. She closed her eyes even tighter.

She tried to push away the noise of her approaching enemy; it was as if she could push the evilness that closed in on her away as easily as one would bat a fly. She knew the terror that would change from nightmare to reality once her eyes opened and saw it for herself, and she just wasn't ready to accept that yet.

"Open your eyes, Lennon. I want you to see what you have done," a raspy voice snapped her back into her nightmare of a reality. Slowly, Lennon opened her tear soaked eyes, and a scream escaped her throat as she stared into the face of evil that had been the cause of this nightmare.

She looked first at the most horrifying smile she had ever seen.

As if Satan himself was smiling and she stared into the eyes of recognition, into the eyes of her mother.

✌⚜ ✯⚢ Hey there fellow Wattypaders! I hope that you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave me some positive and uplifting comments below! ⚢✯⚜✌


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