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There is nothing worse than being forced to spend time with a bully. How did I get myself into this situation in the first place?

I guess it started when I was nine and my parents moved us back to the UK. They wanted to go to my dad's hometown now that his mother had gotten sick. I was just one year old when they moved to the US, so I didn't really know my grandmother, but this way I could meet her before she would pass away.

I am what my parents call a Pureblood. I don't like to call myself that; it gives the impression that I'm a better witch than someone with No-Maj parents, which is not true at all. They were very skeptical of sending me to a No-Maj primary school, but they really did not have any choice. They both worked through the day so they couldn't home school me. This way I had to act like a No-Maj during the day, but I didn't mind. Most of the No-Majs I met were nicer than any wizard kids I was forced to hang out with on Long Island.

Hanging out with No-Majs was not at all a problem. I thought that they were very interesting and clueless, which made them kind of cute, I guess. My life changed, though, when some kids in my class started this magic game every time the teacher left. At one point some kid screamed Abracadabra (it sounded like another curse though) and I jumped behind a desk. All the kids looked at me in surprise and my friend Jannet, who believed I was just playing along, told me I had great acting skills. I smiled at her awkwardly and told her that I'd think about pursuing a career. I looked around and saw this blond kid called Dragon or something sitting almost traumatized behind a chair. I knew he was like me. And that's when my problems started.

I walked up to him and he just looked at me with this scared look on his face. "You should get up", I told him and lend him my hand. "People may think you're different". And I winked at him. He grabbed my hand and got up. The rest of the day I noticed someone staring at me, but I only paid attention to the teacher, who was teaching us how to multiply.

After school, the blond boy came up to me and my friends. I was startled because in the couple of months that I'd been at this school, I had never once heard him speak. His voice was much higher than I'd expected. Almost girly. "You're like me", he said in a whisper. The girls around me looked confused so I grabbed Dragon by his arm and pulled him away.

"Dragon, you shouldn't say that when there are No-Majs around" I told him sternly.

"What's a No-Maj? And my name's Draco by the way."

"Sorry, 'Muggles' is what you call them. And yes I am like you." I replied. Draco looked at me in awe. His look quickly turned to confusion, though when he looked around at my friends. "Why do you hang out with that lot then?" He asked with disgust around his face.

I really hated the disgust magical folk felt for No-Majs. MACUSA even forbids the interaction between non-magical and magical people. It's not that I wasn't used to the aversion to No-Majs, it just didn't sit right with me.

"They're my friends", I told Draco confidently. I didn't care if he didn't like that. Who was he to tell me what to think?

I was expecting some mean and condescending remark, but instead the boy got very insecure. "Would you maybe want to be my friend. I don't really have any. When I was in year 3 there was this accident and since then everyone thinks I'm weird." I was taken aback from his question. Come to think of it I had never seen him with friends. I did hear my friends call him weird once, but I thought that's what they thought of all the boys in our class. I did think that it would be nice to have a wizard as a friend. It is quite frustrating to not be able to fully be yourself around your friends. I smiled at him. "Sure, Draco, I'll be your friend", I told him.

Since that day we pretty much hung out everyday. I wouldn't say we were best friends, because I got pretty bothered about his Pureblood comments. My parents were more than happy that I became friends with someone from a wizarding family. Especially since he was a Malfoy. I didn't realize at the time that that was such a big deal. I guess the size of Draco's house should have been my clue. Whenever my parents picked me up after a playdate they would suck up to the Malfoys and, I don't know how or when, but our families actually became friends. This meant dinner almost every week.

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