Chapter 5: They are as of tonight Triwizard Champions

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The green ray haunted my dreams. Every night the image became clearer. Around October the dreams were so clear that I could see a boy being hit by the the Avada Kedavra curse.

Every morning I was woken up around 6:00 so I waited by the doors of the Great Hall by myself. It got harder and harder every day to concentrate on my homework and during class. Ever since the World Cup I've been having very intense headaches and l get flashes of my dreams during the day.

On one hot October day, I was sitting by myself by the Black Lake, doing my homework. Since this year, I've been hanging out with Hermione, Harry and Ron a lot. Today, however, I felt like being on my own. Partly because Ron and Harry keep laughing at me for actually working on my Divination homework instead of making up Harry's demise. That's just not something that entertains me.

Professor Trelawny had lend me a crystal ball to practice, because she saw talent in me or whatever. I don't like letting teachers down so I did try and practice. To be fair, it was quite relaxing to try and get a good look at the sphere and see a potential future. So far my Divination classes hadn't predicted anything that could be very true. The tea leaved predicted love, the stars predicted grave danger (but to be fair, they always do) and my ball hadn't told me anything yet.

"If it isn't our favorite cousin," I heard two boys say in a phony American accent. I looked over to see two tall red-haired boys walking towards me.

"Wait, Fred," said George. "Is she actually doing Divination homework?"

"Read me," said Fred in a childlike manner. He started jumping up and down while clapping his hands. "Read me, read me, read me!"

I rolled my eyes at their fake enthusiasm, but at least they were willing to participate.

"Here take this," I instructed and passed them both a tea cup. I heated my tea on a jar of blue flames and passed it to the twins. "After you've drank it, pass it back and I'll try to read it."

"Great tea, Ari"

"Splendid flavor"

"Hah hah. Shut up and drink," I told them. The looked at each other and laughed over my snappy remark.

When they'd finished their cups they passed them to me and I tried to read them. First was George's cup which showed me a house.

"Georgie, you're cup predicts business succes," I told him and he glowed up.

"Weasley's Wizard Wheezes," he whispered to Fred, who sported a mischievous grin. I took Fred's cup and looked inside, but I got a terrible headache. I closed my eyes and saw a large explosion. I opened my eyes and looked around but there was no sign of fire. Just the Weasley twins looking up at me expectingly. I grabbed Freds cup and the first shape I saw was a kettle. I grabbed my book to see what a kettle would mean, only to find that it meant nearing death.

"Well?" Asked Fred.

"I'm having a hard time," I responded. At last I thought I could interpret the shape as a crescent moon, which would change the meaning to prosperity.

"Fred, you'll be prosperous, so your fortunes kind of match," I explained.

"Fred, our joke shop is so on!" Said George in the American accent again. I knocked his shoulder teasingly.

"Shut it George. Ari's not supposed to know!" Fred told his brother sternly.

"She won't tell anyone, Fred. Or else I will bet her fortune doesn't look too good," joked George. I promised them I wouldn't tell anyone.

"How's that ageing potion coming along?" I asked and we all started discussing the Triwizard Tournament and the twin's plan to be able to participate.

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