Chapter 9: Let this be a message

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"Excuse me for a second will you Harry," I said. He nodded and made his way over to the Gryffindor table while I marched with a purpose towards the Slytherins.

I sat next down to Draco who looked at me quizzically. The rest of the Slytherins were doing the same. Without saying a word, I passed Draco the letter and watched as he read it. He smirked sinisterly.

"For the record, I'm not going with you," I said.

"I figured," he responded. "Shame that my dress robes match your dress." He pulled out a box from under the table and showed me a stunning grey layered dress. Next he held up his own robes which matched mine perfectly.

"They did not," I started.

"They did too," he responded.

I grabbed the dress from his hands and walked out of the Great Hall. Hermione saw me and followed me outside. Ron, Harry, Draco and his group of Slytherins followed me and soon a group of students from every house and even the other schools were standing around me.

"Let this be a message," I said. "I choose my own fate. Lacarium Inflamare." With that the dress lit on fire and I walked back towards the Great Hall. I passed Malfoy who looked at me with his mouth open. "Charming," I said and moved on. Harry, Ron and Hermione followed me back to the Great Hall where I could finally have some breakfast. What a morning that was.


It was during Potions that I realized that I needed a new dress.

"Hermione," I whisper shouted. She didn't hear me. Or chose to ignore me. "Hermione Granger," I said. Still no reaction. "Hermione Jean Granger," I now said out loud. A bit too loud. Harry next to me couldn't contain a laugh.

"What is it you want to tell Miss Granger, Miss Mills?" Asked Snape.

"Oh uhm, I'm very sorry sir. I was only wondering if I could borrow Miss Granger's ink. I cannot find my own," I lied.

"Five points from Ravenclaw for disrupting my class," said Snape. You could see the smug happiness on his face. I hung my head and tried to focus on the rest of the class. After class I walked quickly over to Hermione.

"What's wrong?" Asked Hermione. "What's so pressing that you needed to ask me during Potions?"

"I don't have a dress," I said.

"I know," she answered. "You burned it."

"Yeah, I was there," I said sarcastically. "When did you buy your dress?"

"Last Hogsmeade trip of course."

"What? You knew about the Yule Ball?" I asked shocked.

"Do you even know me? I heard about the Tournament so I read up on it. That way I found out that every time the Tournament takes place there's a Ball. So, naturally I bought the dress." She said.

"And you didn't think to inform me," I said half joking half serious. She shrugged. "I am doomed. How am I supposed to go to a dance without a dress." I groaned.

"I'm not really sure how I can help you," said Hermione. She seemed sorry.

"Yeah I understand. I'll figure something out." I said slouching to my next class. I walked behind Harry and Ron to Herbology. Then a thought popped into my head. I walked up to the boys and proposed my plan.

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