Chapter 2: Have fun at the game

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The World Cup came sooner than I expected. My family and I traveled to the meeting point by car. From there we would take a Portkey to the event. The four of us were invited to stay in the Malfoy's tent.

The Malfoy's arrived later than us (what else is new) so I read this book called Animal Farm which was also a really good book. Especially because it's all really happened in No-Maj history.

I soon saw the picture perfect family walking up the hill towards us. We still had two minutes until the Portkey would send us to the World Cup. I always get nervous jitters when we travel by Portkey. There weren't a lot of wizards in Long Island when we lived there so to travel to wizarding events we needed to use a Portkey.

I was wearing a red shirt to show my allegiance to Bulgaria. That Seeker, Viktor Krum, is hot. He isn't even that old. I mean, would he ever see something in a girl my age?

I put my book back into my duffel bag and placed my hand on a rusty steelpan. My dad was counting down the seconds before the Portkey would send us away to the event. Right when my dad was at three, someone put their hand over mine. I looked up at Draco who smirked which made me roll my eyes. Within a second we were spinning. Lucius Malfoy instructed us to let go and I landed firmly on my feet, probably because I wasn't wearing heels this time around. Someone else was laying on the ground though.

"Smooth landing" I told Draco. He rolled his eyes. I giggled. I walked away from him feeling his stare at the back of my head. "Are you coming, or are you watching the game from down there?" I asked without glancing back. I heard him groan, but he was quickly walking beside me. Then the conversation I was dreading came.

"So about the party..." Malfoy began.

"Nah, I'm not talking about that," I responded. "Nothing happened, so there's nothing to talk about."

"But see, I wanted something to happen," he said. I stopped dead in my tracks.



"No. You can't say that," I said, starting to get angry. "You're my best friend for two years, then you bully me for three and now you want to kiss me? That doesn't add up. You're so weird just set your mind straight."


"Yeah, oh. You should have thought about how you make me feel before you pull stunts like tha-" I was interrupted mid sentence by Malfoy planting his lips on mine. I was caught by surprise, but as soon I got a hold of reality, I stepped away and started walking. I cursed my stomach for having butterflies. I decided to ignore Malfoy the rest of the weekend. That'll teach him for stealing my first kiss. Bastard.

I walked into the tent, which was made bigger through magic, where the rest were already unpacking. Narcissa pointed me to a room which I had for myself. I laid down on the bed and continued reading the book. The game would start in 3 hours, so I still had time to walk around the premises before the game. I spotted some classmates and made small talk. I am not really a people person so I don't have a lot of friends at Hogwarts. I wasn't unlikable, but I'm rather by myself.

I was walking around some of the smaller tents when I bumped into a black haired boy.

"I'm so sorry," we said simultaneously. I laughed. "I really hope you're not hurt," he asked.

"Oh no, not at all, silly! It was just a shoulder bump! Thanks for asking, though", I responded.

He stuck his hand out. "Harry," he said. "I know- I mean, I'm Ariel," I responded. "Mills," I added and I shook his hand. Something seemed to click in his head. "That's why I recognize you, Hogwarts," he said. "I thought you were from America or something."

"To be fair, I am, but yeah I do go to Hogwarts."

"Ravenclaw Beater, right?"

"Gryffindor Seeker, huh?"

"Yeah," he grinned. "Have fun at the game Ariel from Hogwarts."

"Yeah! You have fun too!" I replied. I walked back towards my tent and he walked the other way. I looked back once and saw his green eyes stare back at mine. I blushed.


We were walking up to the game when I lost it. Mentally I could not take it anymore. All the boasting just became to much for me. I really really wanted to shut Draco up, but the Hufflepuff in me wanted to shut the Slytherin in me up so I decided against it. But I seriously could not take another second of whining.

"Harry Potter needed to be the hero and safe that stupid Weasley girl," I heard him tell Eric. "He is such an idiot honestly. My father says..."

I stopped halfway up the stairs to pretend to tie my shoelaces so I could escape him when he started boasting to Eric about his broom. When I did get up stairs I heard Malfoy boasting to some poor soul that we would be sitting with Cornelius Fudge. I looked around to see Harry standing with a tall red haired boy and a girl with bushy hair. I lightly waved at him and he smiled back politely and I then followed the Malfoy's to their seats.

Eric called me a nerd for bringing my notepad so I could write some notes on the Beater's techniques. I might be a nerd, but I'm proud.

The Irish won, which made me frustrated as Krum did catch the snitch. I walked back to my tent devastated. I grabbed my book and started reading. As soon as I'd finished it, I changed into my comfy clothes and went back to bed, ready to sleep.

Suddenly I heard screams.

"Eric!" I called. "What the hell is happening?" Draco charged into my room saying that there were fires and people were running. I called for my parents but they weren't there. I grabbed Eric and instructed Draco to come with us to the Portkey. He nodded and followed us outside. Eric and I quickly found our way back to the portkey where we waited for Draco to join us. We had lost him on our way towards the transportation device. Soon we saw him walking towards us but our parents weren't in sight.

"We have to go," I said after a short while. Draco nodded and the three of us grabbed the Portkey, which transported us back to the car.

"You get some sleep," said Draco to Eric and me. "I'll take first watch." He sounded like we were being chased by bad guys or whatever.

I woke up when it was already light outside. My parents were finally back. They were apparently lost on their way to the tent and tried to fight the intruders. They seemed to have rehearsed their story. I woke Draco, who had fallen asleep, and he and his parents walked back to their Manor, and my parents drove us back home as well.

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