Chapter 6: You should bring the cape

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I have never felt so alone. Firstly everyone thinks I entered myself (though I have to agree that I do seem guilty, because I tried to run away). Secondly, the Hufflepuffs hate me for ruining the one good thing their house had. Thirdly, the Slytherins started spreading badges saying Potter and Mills stink. The only people who do pay attention to me are the Ravenclaws trying to figure out how I entered myself. They just don't seem to understand that I would never ever want to be part of this Tournament.

My parents were not at all pleased by the stunt I supposedly pulled. They said they would do anything to help though and that they would be there at the tasks. They said that even though I dug my own hole, they would try to get me out. I thanked them.

Eric suddenly thought of me as a hero. It was hard to get him to believe I didn't enter myself, partly, I think, because he wished I did. I never thought that I'd want to avoid my baby brother, but every time I saw him, I turned the other way.

Ron hates me, because he doesn't believe that I didn't enter my name in the contest. I tried to talk some sense into him saying I'm the biggest wimp in the world and why would I wish my own death. He just doesn't listen. He's also mad at Harry, who is the only person who understands me.

Vali tried to help me figure out what happened since she believed that I wouldn't want to enter myself into the contest. The other girls in our year were less eager to help. I didn't blame them.

Ever since the Champion Selection, we have hung out more and more trying to figure out how to survive this Tournament. We quickly agreed that the only way to survive this is to stick together.

The interview with the Daily Prophet was a nightmare:

Young Ariel Mills, age 12, wishes nothing more than to prove herself as a girl worthy of her Pure-Blood status. Her family was disgraced as she cheated herself into the Triwizard Tournament.

Rita skeeter can duck off.

One cold November evening, I was walking towards the Lake, trying to shake off nosey Ravenclaw first years, when I saw Harry and his friend Neville.

I snuck up from behind Harry and right when I was close enough I asked him: "Whatcha doin?"

He was startled for a second, but then he saw me and chuckled while shaking his head.

"Neville is telling me all about his plants," Harry explained. He showed me Neville's book. It was called Magical Mediterranean Water-Plants and their proporties. I grabbed it from his hands and started flipping through it. It had quite some interesting info on water-plants.

"Cool book, Neville! Where'd you get it?" I asked the boy who was standing knee-deep in the Lake.

"Moody gave it to me when we had tea. You can borrow it sometime if you want," he started, but he stopped talking and waved at someone. Hermione was standing together with Ginny and Ron, who was whispering something to her.

Harry got up and I followed him. Hermione then said: "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you"

"Is that right? Well.. What?" Harry said.

Hermione went back to Ron who instructed her to tell it again. She came back to Harry and told him again: "Dean was told by Parvati that, please don't ask me to say this again, Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ron that-" Harry started, but Hermione cut him off.

"I'm not an owl," she said and the three of them walked away.

Harry looked distressed, but he soon got a grip. "Let's go to Hagrid's then," he told me and grabbed my hand to pull be towards the castle. I quickly said goodbye to Neville saying I would certainly like to borrow his book and soon Harry and I were standing in front of a large painting of quite a large woman.

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