Chapter 4: I don't have time for your bullsh*t

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"What was it called again?" I asked Padma next to me.

"The Triwizard Tournament," answered Loony- I mean Luna- Lovegood.

"But it's non of your concern, you're too young to compete," reassured Roger Davies. Right then something occurred to me.

"Wait, does this mean-" I started, but Davies finished my thoughts. "No Quidditch, yeah..." I groaned in response and threw back my head. I was really looking forward to knocking a particular blonde seeker out of the sky with a Bludger.

Dumbledore was still droning on, but I completely lost my concentration. Suddenly the great doors flew open, giving me a minor heart-attack. The people around me didn't seem so surprised.

A group of around thirty boys and girls dressed in baby blue robes walked into the hall, accompanied by a very tall woman.

"Who are they?" I asked Padma again.

"You should get your hearing checked," she said back, annoyed. I rolled my eyes and looked pleadingly at Luna. She smiled lightly.

"They're French," she responded in her usual dreamy voice. I waited for her to explain more, but she turned her head to look at the, apparently French, guests.

Mandy Brocklehurst then told me they were from the French magic institution called Beauxbatons and that they were here so that one of them could compete in the Tournament. She also informed me that there would be another school called Durmstrang visiting us this year. I thanked her and looked back at the Beauxbatons students. Dumbledore had decided that they would be staying in Ravenclaw tower, which was pretty exciting.

Then the Durmstrang boys entered. They were all very tall and handsome, so it was hard not to stare. At the end of the line of boys walked the guy I recognized as the Romanian Seeker, Krum. I saw every girl in the hall follow him with their gaze, but he seemed unbothered. Next to him walked a very scary old man, which I could only presume was the Durmstrang Headmaster. The Durmstrang stayed in the Dungeons with the Slytherins. Poor Krum.

I didn't notice I was hungry, but I couldn't be more pleased when the feast appeared. I asked Roger Davies what he thought of the World Cup final, but all he could do was look at a girl from Beauxbatons. Horndog.

I asked my fellow team mate Cho Chang what she'd thought of the World Cup instead and we talked about it for a while. When the feast ended, we all walked up to Ravenclaw tower. When I walked out of the Great Hall, I bumped into Hermione, Harry and Ron. Ron was gushing over the Beauxbatons girls and over Viktor Krum. I chuckled at him.

"Quidditch is cancelled," said Harry dully.

"Yeah, I know!" I groaned. "Lucky for you though, 'cause I have been training this summer and I bet that I would have you knocked off your broom within seconds!"

"Dream on," said Harry, and he pushed me playfully. I blushed and looked at the floor. I spotted some fellow Ravenclaws and said goodnight to the trio. I wasn't in the mood to solve a riddle tonight, so I thought I'd just profit off of other people.

The riddle was not a hard one, probably because the second years had to answer it.

"When is a door not a door" the magical doorknob asked.

The kids took too long to answer, so I said: "when it's a-jar" and the door opened. The kids looked me up in awe but I brushed past them towards my dorm. All the food made me so tired that as soon as I set foot in bed, I was asleep.

I dreamed of Dragons, dancing, mermaids (but not the pretty kind), a maze, a trophee, then death and pain. I shot up scared and confused as a ray of green light was shot at me in my dream. My watch on my nightstand told me it was 6:24, so there was no use in trying to go back to sleep. After a quick shower, I changed into my robes and made my way downstair. It was still only 6:55 , so the Great Hall wasn't even opened yet. I was the only one waiting, but I'd brought my book, the Handmaid's Tale, with me downstairs. Despicable story, but amazingly written. I had only just opened the novel when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Draco Malfoy with an apologetic look on his face.

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