Chapter 17: You need to watch yourself

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Gotta stay quiet. Don't yell for Harry yet. Stay quiet. You'll find him. I hate darkness.

"Point me," I said and my wand started to twist in my hand. My mind was racing, I didn't know what to do or where to go. All the spells we practiced had vanished from my mind.

"Okay, Ariel," I whispered to myself. "You can do this. It happens all the time in your dream. Just predict the way and you'll win. Easy as pie."

I tried so hard to get even a glimpse of my future that I accidentally stopped breathing. I don't think that I've ever concentrated on anything this hard in my life. Trying to regain my breath I wandered on, following my wand. I sneaked up against the hedge each turn I took, but nothing scary had happened yet. Over time I got less suspicious and took turns without checking what was behind them. Big mistake.

I turned the corner to find the most hideous creature I've ever seen. I quickly recognised it as one of Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts. Gross. It was now more than 10 feet tall and looked very vicious. I wanted to run away, but there was nowhere to go. I wanted to stun the beast, but if it wouldn't work, it would grab its attention. The creature was twisting, turning and screeching. It turned around in my direction and I saw a large blast of fire erupt from its end. I heard a grunt from his other side.

"Harry?" I called, but it wasn't him. It was Cedric Diggory and his robes were on fire.

"Aqua Menti," he said and water came from the end of his wand extinguishing the fire. He noticed me. But he wasn't the only one. Calling Harry's name had caught the Skrewts attention and he was now charging me, its stinger raised in an aggressive manner.

"Ariel," called Cedric. "We'll have to stun him together! On three! One...Two..."

At three the both of us called "Stupify" and the gigantic creature fell down. Doubting the effect of the stun spell, I darted around it and sprinted towards Cedric's side.

"Whoosh," I said. "What does Hagrid feed those things!?"

"You can ask him when we get out of here," said Cedric and he walked on. "Thanks for helping me by the way."

"You would've done the same," I replied. We walked on, Cedric a bit in front of me. He, too, seemed to realize that the Skrewt could wake up soon again, and he wanted to get away form him as soon as possible. He set off on a run. I looked ahead of him and saw light coming from a passage on the right. I ran towards the Hufflepuff champion to check it out.


"Harry!" The two of us yelled at the same time and engulfed each other in a hug. Harry looked at Cedric and his gaze met his sleeve with was burnt severely.

"Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewt," explained Cedric. "It was enormous - we only just escaped it." He sprinted away.

"I was worried," said Harry and he hugged me again. Tighter this time. I hugged him tightly too and kissed his cheek. I broke free and took in his appearance. He looked scratch-free.

"I see you haven't had any obstacles," I noted.

"Yet," added Harry. We walked on, and as soon as we turned the corner, a Dementor charged us. Harry instantly pulled me behind him, and grabbed my hand. "Expecto Pantronum," he called and a white stag emerged from the tip of his wand. The Dementor fell back and stumbled over the hem of his robe.

"Oh hang on," noted Harry. "You're not a Dementor, you're a Boggart. Riddikulus." The Boggart exploded in a wisp of smoke. I just stood watching, perplexed. "Come on," said Harry.

"Wow," I said and followed him as he walked on. "Harry, my goodness that was a full on corporeal Patronus. I don't even know what else to say, but damn." Harry just chuckled. "I'm happy you walked that corner first, don't know what I'd have done if I saw my Boggart."

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