Chapter 14: As long as he knows you're mine

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"Ouch Ron. That's my foot," whispered Hermione. We were all walking very close together underneath Harry's invisibility cloak. He had gotten this great idea to celebrate in the Hogwarts kitchens. He mentioned he knows an house-elf that works there. Much to Hermione's dismay we were going to ask them for food.

It was now well into the night. Hermione invited me to stay with her again, so that I could join on the food hunt. The four of us cramped underneath the invisibility cloak and set off. All of us were very still, as to not attract any unwanted attention. We were walking down corridors that I've never been in before. Suddenly Harry stopped walking. I bumped into his back. Harry's arm left the safety of the cloak and started tickling a pear on a painting. The pear turned into a handle. Harry turned it and revealed a ginormous kitchen full of house elves. "Harry Potter," yelled a small house elf. He ran towards Harry and jumped up and down. He seemed to be the only one wearing clothes. As soon as I saw his eyes I recognized him.

"I know you," I said. "You used to work for the Malfoy's! You're Dobby right?" The elf's eyes lit up.

"Master Draco's friend!" I looked up at Harry who had scrubched up his nose in disgust. The elf went on. "Dobby is free now! Dobby has clothes now!" Said the elf excitedly showing me his sweater, tea cozy and socks. I grinned. "You is friends with Harry Potter, miss?" Dobby asked. "You is Triwizard Champion too, miss?" Asked Dobby.

"Yes and yes," I responded.

"Does miss want food or drinks," asked another house elf who was pulling on my still damp sweats.

"Please," I told the elf and about four others shoved plates of food and bottles of butterbeer into my hands. I handed some to the others.

"How did you find this place?" I asked Ron and Harry. Hermione was off talking some house elves into demanding payment or whatever. I love Hermione, but these elves are happy and I'm not sure if S.P.E.W will ever be successful. I only joined because she's my friend.

"Fred and George told us," explained Ron proudly. I figured it was them. They seem to know everything about Hogwarts. I didn't realize I was starving until I saw the many pastries the elves made. My stomach growled, which made Harry laugh and I began stuffing my face. All of us got a bag full of food to take up to the common room.

The four of us scrambled together to fit under the invisibility cloak again. We made our way upstairs without anyone stepping on anyones toes. We were walking up the stairs when suddenly my body sank. It was a trick step. I gave a short yell when I fell, and Harry quickly covered my mouth with his hand. He didn't want Filch to find us.

"Meow," we heard Mrs Norris from down the stairs. Quickly, but silently, Harry and Ron grabbed me under my arms and pulled me from the step. We turned around to hurry up the steps, but at the top of the stairs stood Filch. We looked at each other wide eyed. All of us back up against the railing and hoped for the best. Argus Filch was whispering to his cat and explained to her all the punishments he'd like to give us. He had almost reached the spot where Hermione stood when -

"Argus," came the voice of Professor Moody. He was stood at the top of the stairs where Filch had been not too long ago. He looked at the caretaker than his cat and finally at the four of us huddled together under the invisibility cloak. Harry had told us that Moody's magic eye can see through invisibility cloaks. I placed my hands in a pleading way, and the others followed suit. "What's going on?" Asked the daunting ex-Auror.

"I heard a scream professor Moody, sir," explained Filch. "I think there's a student out of bed"

"Yes, I heard it too," said Mad-Eye Moody. "The scream came from that corridor up there." Moody pointed at the corridor he just came from. "I'm betting it's the poltergeist trying to be funny," lied the Professor.

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