Chapter 19: Daddy help me!

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"Mills," echoed the cold voice of the one who calls himself the Dark Lord. I looked up for the first time since the Death Eaters arrived and looked at the Death Eater closest to me. My blood was boiling. I started struggling against the ropes, but the more I struggled the tighter they pulled me back. I let go of Harry's hand. I screamed again, but the sound was once again muffled through the fabric.

"Of course, we have more that one Mills here, but don't worry, little girl, I will introduce you to the group later," said the cold voice of You-Know-Who. I was bawling again, this time full on sobbing. I felt myself go limp against the roped and stopped struggling. My parents moved me to the States to escape having to go to Azkaban. They didn't meet the Malfoy's through the friendship between me and their son, they knew them already. So much became clear to me. The important meeting with Slytherin alumni at Malfoy Manor this summer, just weeks before the Quidditch World-Cup. The reason why they disappeared that night. All four of them. My mind was full on spinning and I had a headache building up from the tension.

I could faintly hear You-Know-Who mentioning Crabbe, Goyle and Nott. All of them Pureblood and Slytherins.

"And here we have six missing Death Eaters. Three dead in my service. One, too cowardly to return. He will pay. One, who I believe has left me forever. He will be killed, of course. And one, who remains my most faithful servant, and who has already reentered my service. He is at Hogwarts, that faithful servant, and it was through his efforts that our young friends arrived here tonight." Through my blurry vision I saw him pointing at us.

"Young Miss Mills and Mr Harry Potter, here to join my rebirthing party. My guests of honor," said the man smirking. He walked towards me. "It has come to my attention, that this young girl," he said and grabbed my face roughly with his long boney fingers, "is not a regular witch, but a Seer," he stated as he let go of my face. I could feel pain from where he touched me. "A talent that is rare and very useful to my plan." The man moved away. I looked pleadingly at my father, but his gaze followed his master.

You-Know-Who swiftly waved his wand and the robes tying me to the headstone released me. I jumped up and grabbed the fabric from my mouth. Not being able to think straight, I started running, but I heard "Crucio" and the next thing I felt was unbearable pain. I dropped to the floor and screamed and yelled, but this was pain beyond what I've ever felt before. Suddenly it stopped, and I was left lying on the floor, panting.

"No need to run from me, dear girl," whispered Voldemort into my ear as I was lying on the ground. "Just join the cause, like your father and you'll have nothing to worry about." I turned my head to look at my father, but he looked away.

"Never," I whispered.

"What was that?" Asked the snake-like man.

"Never," I said again and as soon as the word left my mouth, the pain started again. I twitched on the ground. I screamed and cried, but it didn't seem to stop. "DAD" I screamed loudly at my father. "DADDY!" I yelled again through the pain. I screamed again. "DADDY HELP ME!" And suddenly the pain stopped. Not because my dad intervened, but because the Dark Lord had had his fun. My ears were ringing. I couldn't move. I was suddenly dragged by my arms away from the group and propped up against a different head stone. My father's face popped into view. His face was blurry. His hands were on my shoulders preventing me from falling over sideways.

"Listen to the man," said the faint voice of my dad's. "Bring honor to your family."

I shook my head and looked away. My head was hanging. I was feeling nauseous.

"Go," I said, trying to push him away, but I was too weak. "Go away!" I said a little louder. "I don't even know you anymore" I said and escaped his grip. I fell over to the ground and laid there. I hadn't the faintest idea what was happening over by Harry, but I was too lightheaded to concentrate. I saw the Triwizard Cup lying behind Cedric's body which was just inches away. I felt something coming up and without a warning, I threw up next to me. Some of the Death Eaters laughed, but I didn't know if it was at me or because of something their master said.

Suddenly, Wormtail passed Harry his wand and I saw he, too, had been released from the ropes. I was still way too weak to move a muscle. Everything still hurt. I sat back up. Feeling slightly dizzy, I helped myself up using the nearest headstone.

I saw that Harry was now bowing to You-Know-Who as if about to duel him. My ears had stopped ringing and I heard the Death Eaters laughing hysterically at the sight. Disgusting.

"Very good," said the evil wizard. "And now you face me, like a man straight-backed and proud, the way your father died. And now - we duel," the older man said. Instantly Harry started twitching on the ground and screaming.

"No!" I screamed and ran towards the crowd to help, but was soon his with a spell myself. I was knocked back. Lucius Malfoy was holding his wand pointed at my direction. I shot him a death stare. The curse on Harry seemed to be lifted though. Voldemort looked at me angrily as if I disrupted his performance.

"Silly girl," said the Snake-like man. He looked at Mr Malfoy. "Lucius... teach her some manners," he said and looked back at Harry. I looked pleadingly at my father's best friend.

"Imperio," said the blonde man. And my mind turned cloudy.

Join us girl, said a voice in my head. Get up and join us.

I don't want to, answered a stronger voice. I won't.

Just join us.

I won't. The voice answered more strongly.

Get up and join us.

"I WON'T," I yelled out loud, just as Harry did the same. The Death Eaters seemed confused and didn't know where to turn their attention to. Even Lucius Malfoy looked puzzled. He looked at the duel happening behind him now and had dropped his wand.

I looked at my father who's entire focus was on me. He stared at me and I stared back. He had a pained look in his eyes. I sat frozen, but my brain was working hard. The only way to get back was with the Portkey, which was lying about 10 feet away from me. I needed to get Harry there and we could leave.

I looked down from my father's eyes, but felt his still watching me. I looked over at the dark wizard fighting my boyfriend, but the latter was nowhere to be seen. I stood up quickly, making me a little dizzy. I still couldn't see him.

"Expeliarmus," yelled Harry suddenly emerging from behind a headstone. At the same time You-Know-Who casted the killing curse. The two spells met in midair and the green and red jets turned gold. I didn't understand what was happening.

I saw that the duel had caught my father's attention and he was no longer looking at me. I slowly walked over to Cedric Diggory's body. His right hand was still holding his wand. I wanted to take it, but I couldn't. It would make his death too real. I placed my palm over the boy's still opened eyes and closed them. I let out a tear.

What was happening around me became clear again. Harry and You-Know-Who were floating in what looked like a giant golden bubble. What was happening inside the bubble was not clearly visible.

"Now," yelled Harry suddenly and the bubble burst. I saw Harry dodging Death eaters and spells on his way towards us. "Impedimenta," he cast and a Death Eater slowed down. Harry reached us, but the Portkey was too far away to reach. From the fog emerged You-Know-Who with a sly grin on his face.

"Accio," said Harry and the Portkey flew to us. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named screamed as the three of us were pulled into the cup and transported back to Hogwarts.

We smashed into the ground and my head bumped hard on the grass. All turned black. The last thing I heard were screams.

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