Chapter 12: You can't be my friend if I drown

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"Say it again," said Hermione.

"We've recited it so many times already," I said annoyed due to sleep deprivation. "We gotta go to the lake, look around in it for a while to find some price."

"How on earth are you guys supposed to hold your breath for an hour?" Asked Ron through a yawn. I yawned in response.

"That's the whole issue, Ron," said Harry also annoyed and probably a little stressed. It was the night before the second task and we had no idea what we had to do.

"Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office," said professor Moody all of a sudden. Harry, Ron and Hermione jumped up to see their Head of House. "Not you, Potter," responded Moody. Hermione tried to reason with the man, explaining how the task was in less than half a day, but Moody didn't want any of it. Instead he got Neville to help us.

"If you want to read about Herbology, I recommend-," he started, but I didn't listen. I knew what he would say. Something about special plants having specific functions. Some can make petrified people conscious again, some can repel werewolves and others can make you breathe underwater.

Breathe underwater. What did Neville's book say? Gillyweed is a plant that will make the person that eats it, able breathe underwater.

"Neville, my goodness! You're a genius! I could kiss you!" I yelled happily. I had figured it out.

"Don't kiss him," said Harry annoyed and I giggled. I ruffled his hair.

"I didn't mean it," I said and kissed Harry on his head. "Gotta go now," I said and jumped up from my seat. "Neville, tell him about Gillyweed," I said and walked out of the library. I had to get some before the task started.

The only place where I could find Gillyweed was in Snape's storage, but even I'm not stupid enough to go in there. I know for a fact Snape wouldn't just give the Gillyweed to me, so I needed one of his favorite students. And I know just the Slytherin.

Without rethinking I walked over to the Dungeons making sure Filch or Mrs Norris weren't around. I pounded on the doors to the Slytherin common room, which I found without any trouble. All those years preparing to be a Slytherin with Draco before coming to Hogwarts did pay off in times like these. After banging the door for a while, someone opened it. The guy was tall and dark. His hair was buzzed so short he was almost bald. He rubbed his eyes. He seemed like a sixth year and had a very annoyed look on his face.

"What are you doin' here?" Said the irritated boy.

"I need to speak to my brother," I lied. "Family emergency. He's a second year."

"You can't be here," said the older boy again.

"Didn't you hear what I said, pie brain? Family emergency!" I pushed the large boy aside and started walking toward the back of the common room. "Where are the dorms?" I asked looking around confusedly. I've never read anything about the inside of the common room.

"I'll get your brother," grumbled the boy.

"Thank you! His name's Eric Mills," I told him.

"I know," said the boy. "I don't actually have pie for a brain. I know who you are." He walked away. Moments later he came back down with a quizzed look on his face. "You're brother wasn't there. His classmates say that professor Snape had called to see him. Is there any one else who can help you?" Asked the boy. Come to think of it there was another Slytherin who could help me. And this one even owed me a favor.

"Could you get me Draco Malfoy please?" I asked the boy who scrunched his nose in disgust making me chuckle.

Moments later, the handsome older guy came back down accompanied by a slim blonde boy.

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