The only author's note this book will ever have

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Hi there!

You can skip this and move on to the book if you want, I don't mind. This chapter won't contain anything important.

This book is the first in what will hopefully be four/five books. Depends on how much motivation I have to keep on writing. Lol.

Almost all of my characters and events are copied from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Some I came up with myself and I tried to fit them into the story the best I could.

Trigger Alert 🚨: When I first started writing this, I hadn't read the books in about two years so it was a bit hard for me to stick to the book story. That's why the first 12 or more chapters are based mostly on the movies and further on the two are a bit combined. That is because I started rereading the books and after a while I caught up with what I was writing. So from now on, I'll try to keep to the books as much as possible (with the exception of my own ideas of course).

Having said that I'd like to introduce myself.
My name is Josephine. I am Dutch, born and raised. Might explain some of the upcoming spelling/grammar mistakes. I'd like to apologize in advance. I might go over them some time, but I don't feel like that right now to be really honest. Anyways, back to introductions. Since this is a Harry Potter fanfic I might as well give you my proper Harry Potter information.

House: Ravenclaw💙🦅
Ilvermorny house: I actually forgot and I can't seem to find it on Pottermore anymore, but I believe it was Thunderbird.
Wand: Larch wood, 12 ½ inches, dragon heartstring core and surprisingly swishy flexibility.
Patronus: mink
Favorite ship: romione
Favorite fanfic ship: wolfstar

So that's me! I've also made a Pottermore for my main character Ariel (who I did not name after the Little Mermaid, but someone pointed out to me that Eric, my Ariel's little brother, has the same name as the mermaid's love interest, so now I've embraced it and decided to make Ari, the little mermaid's distant relative). So here's her Pottermore information:

House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Hawthorn, 10 ¾ inches, unicorn hair
Patronus: deerhound

Most of her features can be found throughout this book or the next one. But here you go.

Not everything in my book is perfect, which I used to be so anal about. I'd check every chapter and google every detail, but I've decided to let it go. It just wasn't fun to write anymore.

Anyways hope you enjoy my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you have any questions, I'm here for you. Or if you want to talk I'm also here or you can PM me for my Instagram or whatever.

Xxx Josie

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