Chapter 8: I have a date with my egg

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I was feeling much better after the first task. That, until professor Flitwick called us Ravenclaws together to discuss the upcoming Yule Ball. A girl's biggest nightmare is not getting asked out to a feast. At least after being killed by a dragon.

I still hadn't solved the clue of the egg. It was hard to analyze the sound through all the screeches. Besides, all of Ravenclaw tower had decided that Fleur nor myself were allowed to open the egg in the common room or our dorms. Fair enough.

Meanwhile Roger Davies was going on and on about Fleur Delacour. It was annoying really. And Michael Corner seemed to want my help with his homework more and more.

I was working on my Runes homework one afternoon when I saw Michael walking towards me from afar. I quickly shoved all my stuff in my backpack and made a run for it. I was walking through the castle with no specific destination when I found myself in the Dungeons. I walked around the corner and hid in a doorway to check if no one was following me.

"Boo," someone said scaring the shit out of me. I swear I never screamed that loudly before.

"Damnit Malfoy," I said hitting him hard on his arm which earned me a little ouch. "What the hell?"

"Sorry, I thought you'd appreciate a joke," he said.

"Yeah, well. There are funnier things"


"Well thanks for this. It's been a real pleasure talking to you. Goodbye ferret," I said and walked back the way I came from. I was stopped however by the blonde boy grabbing my arm.

"Please, R. I've been getting the silent treatment for far too long can you please forgive me?" He said. His eyes were like a puppy's.

I grabbed both his hands and looked him in the eyes. "You, Draco, are such an annoying and spoiled little prick. You're so obsessed with a boy who didn't want to be friends with you and it's pathetic. And just because I got placed in a different house than you gives you the right to bully me? Nah, just go back to the lumps of flesh you call friends," I said. He looked hurt and angry. He pulled his hands away from mine. I turned around and smirked. "That's how that feels," I called back at him. Leaving him speechless. "And don't call me R."

On my way back to the library I bumped into Viktor Krum. Weird.

" You did good job with Dragon," he said in crappy English.

"Thanks," I responded. "You too of course. Clever spell." I said and moved along. In the library I found Hermione studying.

"Bonjour," I said slightly parodying the Beauxbatons students.

"Bonjour to you," replied Hermione. Not looking up from her book.

"Interesting read?" I asked, but she grabbed my robe and pulled me into the seat next to her.

"No - well yes, but that's not my point. I'm trying not to be noticed," she whispered. I gasped. "Who's the boy?" I asked excitedly.

"He's no one," she said, but smiled lightly. "I've noticed him being around me for a while, but I'm not even sure he'll ask me."

"Oh shut it, Mione, of course he'll ask you! You're a catch!" I replied reassuringly.

She smiled at me. Finally looking me into my eyes.

"Is there someone you want to be asked by?" She asked me.

"Nah, can't think of anyone who would want to. Besides, I have a date with my egg that night. Still haven't figured that thing out."

"What? You're not going to the ball?" Hermione asked me with a shocked expresion. "How will I survive the party without you around?"

"You'll do alright," I told her. "Your hot date will keep you company. Anyways enough about all this," I said, not wanting to talk about the ball anymore. I grabbed my Ancient Runes books and dropped them on the table. "How should I be expected to translate this text," I groaned, making Hermione chuckle. We sat in the library for the remainder of the day discussing our schoolwork and life outside of Hogwarts.

The next morning was a Monday and I was up really early as usual. Today, instead of going down to the Great Hall, I went over to the Owlery to see Hoots and give him a letter to give to Jannet.

I was shaking in the cold and so I skipped towards the Owlery hoping to stay warm. It started to snow. Not helping. As soon as I was inside, Hoots swooped towards me and dropped a letter.

"Thanks Hootsie," I told him and gave him a treat. I saw the letter was from my mom and I opened it.

My dear Ariel,

I wanted to tell you again how amazing you were during the first task. Narcissa and I have spoken about in length and we both agree that you were exceptionally brave. We heard about the upcoming Yule Ball and we came up with such a delightful idea. We always thought that you and Draco made such an adorable couple and we figured that after you two kissed you would want to visit the Yule Ball together. We have made the arrangements and the two of you will look lovely together.

Love, mom

I was speechless. I wasn't angry or sad or something along those lines. I was actually astonished. How could my mom actually think I wanted this. That slime Draco told his mom he kissed me. I had no words.

I gave Hoots the letter to Jannet and asked him to try and be back soon to start delivering my christmas presents. He hooted, but I don't think that he understood. Whatever. I was in no mood to worry about it.

I decided not to write back to my mother and fix this mess by myself. Now slightly agitated I went to walk back to the castle.

"Oof, sorry," I said after I almost knocked into someone. It was Harry. Seeing him made my heart beat a little faster. "No worries," he replied.

"Hey you!" I said.

"Hullo," he said after realizing who I was. "Er- how have you been?"

"Same as I was yesterday silly. What are you doing up so early?"

"Oh, you know. Checking on Hedwig" he said looking around for her. I looked too but noticed she wasn't there.

"Didn't you send her off with a letter like months ago?" I asked. "She hasn't gotten back from that yet, has she?"

"Oh, right. Yeah." Harry responded vaguely. I saw him stuff a rather large piece of old looking parchment back in his pocket.

"You're being strange. Is everything alright?" I asked him. I mean you would think he'd know if his owl is away.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Ari, I was wondering..." I couldn't hear the rest over the screeches of some of the owls.

"I'm sorry, Harry, I didn't quite catch that"

"I was wondering if you'd want to go to the ball with me," he asked.

I was really shocked for a second. I wanted to scream yes, but I didn't want to be over enthusiastic, but I also didn't want to be nonchalant. And I also had to deal with Draco and all. He looked at me puzzlingly and I knew that the longer I didn't speak the harder it was on him.

"I'd love to go with you to the ball," I said. He looked relieved. "I just have one teeny tiny problem," I said and gave him the letter. He read it and it looked like he was as astonished as I was.

"You're going with him then?" Harry asked, at which I violently shook my head.

"Merlin's beard no," I said. "I was actually on my way to shut him down."

"So you'll go with me?" Asked Harry again. Cute when nervous. Check.

"Only if you ask really nicely," I said and he chuckled.

"Sweet Ariel, defeater of dragons and champion of tournaments, would you please accompany me to the Yule Ball?" He asked cynically, putting up he sweetest smile.

"You sound like Fred and George," I said. I quickly pecked his cheek and then I said "yes". We walked downstairs together joking about my mom's setup plan. I wasn't angry anymore until I saw Draco's smug face at breakfast.

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