Chapter 3: A whole new year of adventure

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The next morning, the accident was all over the news. Apparently the event was disturbed by some Death Eaters and someone had conjured the Dark Mark. I really did not have much time to think too much about it because September 1st was coming up.

This year I had decided to not let Malfoy ruin my mood. I had already seen enough of him this summer and after he surprise kissed me, I really did not feel like talking to him when I didn't need to.

I was very happy that since the World Cup, I didn't have to see him again. My parents took me and my brother to the station. My little owl, Hoots, was chirping excitedly as I walked my cart up to platform 9¾. My dad and I ran at the wall together and after we had walked through it we found a busy platform full of families. After I carried my trunk into the train, we said our goodbyes and I looked around to find a cart, when I bumped into my favorite person.

"Hello Mills!" The blond boy said. "I brushed my teeth twice as long today just for you." He said with a smirk.

"That's an odd way to flirt" I frowned. Mistake.

"Listen, you filthy blood traitor. You wish you could land someone like me. If you keep acting so anti-social around the people here at Hogwarts you might have to marry a Muggle and disgrace your family even more than you already have!"

"Ouch," I said, fighting back tears. Through gritted teeth I responded: "The school year hasn't even started yet and you're already through all your best stuff." A tear streamed down my face.

"Aw, the poor nerd is crying," Draco went on.

"Shut it, Malfoy," said a familiar voice behind me. I turned around and there was the famous Harry Potter behind me. I quickly wiped my tears with my sleeve so that the Gryffindor Seeker couldn't see them, but I was afraid the damage had been done.

"Ah, hanging out with other blood traitors and mudbloods now, are you?" Malfoy sneered.

"We're better company than you are, Malfoy," the red haired boy, who I could only presume was a Weasley, said back. His ears turned red. I think it stung a little that Harry Potter and his friends had my back considering he hated them.

"Your funeral," he scoffed and he and the gorillas walked of.

"Are you alright?" asked Hermione Granger, the smartest girl in our year.

"I am," I reassured them. "He just knows exactly what to say to make it sting."

"You're telling me," said the Weasley boy. I grinned a little.

"I'm Ariel," I said holding out my hand.

"Yeah, I know," said the red haired boy, while he shook my hand. "Harry told-" he got cut off by an elbow in his stomach. He shot a nasty glare at Hermione.

"He's Ron, I'm Hermione. Nice to meet you," she said shaking my hand.

"Likewise," I said.

"Would you like to sit with us, Ariel?" Asked Harry. His cheeks were turning a bit red.

"Yeah, I would! Thank you," I said sincerely. "And call me Ari." They all kindly smiled and I followed them to their cart.

"Ron, can I ask you something?" I asked when we were inside the cart. He nodded with obvious interest. "You're a Weasley right? Crazy story, you're my second cousin. My grandpa is your grandma's brother."

"You're a Mills then?" Asked Ron in return. And I nodded in response. We shared some family stories for a moment before Hermione interrupted us.

"How come you are American?" Hermione asked. I laughed a little. I explained how I was raised in the US and I also informed them that the UK is far better organized and more relaxed to live in. In return I asked her about her parents and being Muggle-born. After she had told me about her, I told her about my No-Maj friends. She was happily surprised to hear that.

Finally it was Harry's turn to speak. We discussed past Quidditch matches and gossiped over players. I also asked him how his No-Maj family is, which he answered, but through gritted teeth. Then came the dreaded Malfoy question.

"Were you with Malfoy at the World Cup?" Asked Ron.

"Our families our friends. I used to hang out with him all the time before Hogwarts, but after I was sorted into Ravenclaw he started picking on me," I explained.

"Must be tough having to see him during the summer," said Harry.

"Preach," I said laughing. And the trio joined in. Then the trolley lady showed up and I bought everyone some food. I gave my chocolate frog card to Harry who was still working on his collection. I blushed when our hands touched as I gave him the card.

"Maybe we should get changed," said Hermione and we agreed that we would change first and that the boys would go after us.

After I got changed, I walked into the little hallway where I bumped into Harry.

"Oops sorry," I said, trying to get past. He chuckled and grabbed my shoulders. He held me still until we were standing opposite each other. I found myself staring at his eyes, and he realized he was doing the same.

"You should get changed," I said, not taking my eyes of off his. "Yeah, probably," answered Harry, still looking into my eyes. A little cough from Ron moved us back into reality. We walked into opposite directions. I looked up at Ron and he winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

Soon after we had reached Hogwarts. I took the carriage, pulled by those black creatures, don't know what they're called, with Hermione, Ron and Harry. Once we got to the great hall, I took a turn to the Ravenclaw tabel where I sat down next to Padma Patil. When everyone was seated, Dumbledore began his start-of-the-year speech, introducing us to a whole new year of adventure.

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