Chapter 1: Smooth landing

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It was about 87° outside and I was boiling in the heat. I was always either as red as a lobster or as white as a vampire, but I never really had a tan. This year was my year though. I had put just enough lotion on my arms to not get burned but also not stay a ghost. I was reading this book that my No-Maj friend Jannet sent me for my birthday. We were still in contact, but everything I sent her was through my parents and everything she wanted to send me was also through them. I obviously couldn't send her letters with my owl. Luckily, it was not as hard to keep contact as I'd initially thought.

This book she gave me was called the Giver and it was extremely interesting. Some No-Majs have an immense imagination. My parents scoffed at me for reading No-Maj books, but I didn't care.

My little brother, Eric, interrupted my reading by asking if I wanted to play some Quidditch with him. He was a Slytherin who would be going to the second year at Hogwarts next year. He really wanted to join the Slytherin team as a keeper, but considering how many Quaffles he lets through, I seriously doubt he'll be accepted. He has only ever stopped two of my attempts and I am not even a Chaser.

Last year I tried out for the Ravenclaw team with my Nimbus 2000 which the Malfoy family had gotten me for my 13th birthday. I was eternally grateful, because my old Cleansweep had snapped. I got picked for Beater, but that was not due to my great talent but more because there was no one else trying out. Nevertheless, I wasn't half bad. Last year I had a shot to knock Harry Potter off his broom, but I was distracted by Malfoy and his slaves dressing up as dementors and missed. We lost, but I didn't mind because they went on to win the cup meaning Slytherin didn't.

I told Eric that I would play Quidditch with him tomorrow, because we had to get ready for dinner at Malfoy Manor. Eric didn't mind, because he was a suck up to Malfoy. He followed him around like he was a superstar and Malfoy treated him as a slave honestly. I have told Eric to steer clear of Malfoy all of last year, but he just ignores me and let's Malfoy treat him as his house-elf. Pathetic.

I placed my wand in my book as to not lose my page and I went inside. As I was walking up the stairs I heard my mom call me to inform me that Jannet had called to ask me to hang out. I wish I could hang out with her, but instead I have to go to a dinner with about 50 Slytherins who will definitely sneer at me for being a Ravenclaw. Like it's my fault. For two summers I had managed to avoid having to go to the Malfoy's but this day was apparently very important. I didn't see how, but I couldn't talk my way out of it.

I got up to my room and grabbed the telephone from the stand. My parents had installed it to keep in touch with my grandmother's nurse, but now that she has passed away they don't use it anymore. Instead, I use it to keep in touch with my No-Maj friends. I typed in Jannet's house number and after about 5 rings she picked up.

"Hey Ari! I called to ask if you wanted to hang out, but your mom said you were having dinner at Draco's house," she said almost right away.

"Yeah, it sucks", I replied. "I can't believe I got sucked into this."

"I still think it's strange how he suddenly turned on you", said Jannet. "I seriously thought he liked you. Like more than friends."

"Hah hah. He just didn't have any friends and as soon as he had new ones he didn't need me anymore. Sucks that I still see him at school though." I sighed.

"Weird coincidence that both of you go to the same boarding school"

"Yeah.... strange...." I replied. We were both quiet for a while. "I'm halfway through the book you sent by the way. It's really good!" And we went on to discuss the novel. I told her they should make a movie, but she argued that books are always better than the movies. After a while my mom came into my room to tell me to get changed. Jannet and I hung up and I started to look through my clothes for an appropriate dress. I decided that if I would be scolded on all night for not being in Slytherin, I could better just dress in my house colors anyway, just to not create any confusion. I decided on a navy blue dress that reached to about halfway my thigh and with small sleeves. It was just classy enough, but also very comfortable to wear. I straightened my honey blonde hair and pulled the top half into a bun. I put on a little bit of make-up and some heels. They were not very high, because I can't really walk in them. The reason I wear heels is because I'm very short and people lose me in a crowd. Otherwise I'd just wear flats.

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