Shitty Relationship

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Third Person's POV

Korean Empire drove South Korea and North Korea to their school since it was on her way. Their travel was surprisingly quiet. She guessed that something happened between the two.

"What happened" KE asked

"he broke my headphone" SK answered

"who broke my replica of nukes" North said

"I didn't do it on purpose"

"Neither did I" NK said grinning from behind.

SK saw it and started to tear up but held it. Korean Empire wasn't able to look cause she's focusing on driving. KE and South sat in front and North was alone in the back.

When they arrive at school, SK quickly went out from front then North from  back.

"South" Japan waved South upon seeing him. SK dashed to Japan leaving North.

"Let's go" He offered his arm then Japan gladly took it.

They walked inside the room to see America with his feet up, sitting sorrounded by other countries.

"America - senpai" Japan went and sitted beside America

South felt sad by this. He like Japan and a little jealous on America. America helped him  get close to Japan and  now the three are best friends. America reassured that he didn't like Japan and see her as best friend only. South smiled then sit beside Japan. He just stared her while she enjoys talking to Ame.

North entered the room then saw Japan between America and his brother.

He smirked as he sat behind South. He wrote something on the paper then threw it to South.

South picked it up then opened it

'She clearly likes America, give up' his chest throb as he read.

South glared at North. Though he looks NK like that, he love his brother as his family so it hurts whenever his brother say rude things.

Mrs. Portugal arrived then checked the class attendance.

He put the paper on his jacket to throw it away later.

South thought about this. Japan would comfort him whenever they argue. He also  thinks she's cute and cheerful. He likes Japan and America supports him so he decided to confess tomorrow.

South invited Japan to hangout and she agreed happily.

South invited Japan to hangout. Japan agreed happily.

- Time Skips -

[In the morning]

They met at park at designated time. South blushed as he looks at Japan wearing high skirt, long white sock, and a red sweater. The time skips so fast as they enjoyed the company of the other, when the sun started to hide, South grabbed Japan to his hidden spot where the sea meets the land.

They sat on the cliff and watch the sunset.

"Wow. Beautiful" Japan's eye glimmers
"Japan" South called. "Hmm?" She looked at him.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Japan looked South shocked then went sad.
South felt sad and hurt as he watch the girl he like hesitate. "How about Ame" South felt his heart ache. He looked down wondering that what his brother said was true after all, which made his heart ache much more.

"I guess he's the only single one" Japan said cheerfully. Sk looked her confused as he process what she said.

His face lightened up "Then that means y-you and me are"

"Yes, dating" Japan smiled warmly. They hugged until the sky went dark. South walked Japan home and was invited to eat there.

Japan Empire squeled when she heard that her daughter has boyfriend.

J.E thought her daughter would always stick to her Yaoi things.

-Time skip-

[After dinner]

South walked home after dinner.

He was humming until he heard footsteps coming to his way. He got nervous so he walked faster. The sound of footsteps also got faster.

South felt tight grip on his shoulder sending goosebumps throughout his whole body.

He quickly slapped the hand grabbing the chance to run away

Rain started heavily that you could hardly see anything, he stopped running when he thought the stalker had lost him.

"Huff I... huff.. should call huf.. my mother" he said between his pants as he took his phone out.

???'s POV

I saw South took out his phone. I slowly approached him then grab his wrist to prevent him on getting away. He dropped his phone

"Get away from me!" struggling from my grip. I grabbed his waist then pulled him closer I saw his eyes tear up, he looks cute.
"Wh-who are you" he said  angrily but about to cry.

He doesn't recognize me? I smirk having brilliant idea popped out. I leaned closer as he tried struggling but still was useless. I kissed him making him flinch.

South's POV

I started to tear up because of the pain from my wrist, it hurts so much.

"Wh-who are you" I said angrily feeling on the verge of crying.

I couldn't see his face because it's dark, he wears a hoodie and the tears in my eyes made it blurry. I felt him smirk then slowly approached me, I struggled more but useless. I flinch when I felt his lips on mine his other hand slipped on my jacket and shirt.

I kicked him on the knee then run away leaving the pervert stalker and my phone on the ground behind. I ran as fast as I can then bumped on my mother.

"Ouch.. South where did you go? Your brother and I went to search for you" KE asked

SK frowned at the thought that his brother went to search for him but at the same time happy, even though South knew his mother forced North to come and find him.

"Let's go home first" South suggested which KE agreed

When they arrive they changed their clothes and had SK explain all what happened that day except the stalker part. He doesn't want her mother worry.

"So you and Japan are in relationship?" KE squeled but before South could respond North entered the house soaked, placing down his umbrella.

"Oh North. Sorry I forgot to call you" KE apologized

North said directed at SK "don't do irresponsible things, you made us look for the stupid you"


South felt his chest throb like he heard something crack. He couldn't point out where did this came from.

Little did he know that it was his heart starting to break from holding his emotions back for years. It was too much for his mind and heart. He couldn't hurt his brother because he loves him. He could just cry without letting anyone know.

"Don't be like that North. South got girlfriend and had dinner there. He just forgot to call me" KE went back to the kitchen to check her porridge.

"Heh it won't last long, I bet it wouldn't last three days" North smirked then went upstairs to change clothes


Once again, he heard another cracking sound. He just shrugged it out as he feel his chest tighten.

South also went to his room to cry. Even though this should be a happy day for him because she got the girl he like, he was hurt by his brother's words.

The pain in his chest wouldn't go away. One drop of tears every second he sat there remembering his brother's words.

'Would it hurt him if he support me?' South thought to himself..

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