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South's POV


Someone was calling me. I can't recognize the voice but it was definitely calling for me.

"what are you dawdling here? Go back there and don't forget our bet and your promise" The mirror spoke.

A white ceiling was the first, I looked around to see a country on the side of the bed, sleeping. I just couldn't control my expression and reaction that my unmovable hand had the energy to shake the other hand touching into it.

"Oww" I winced in pain.

The country woke up and gave an annoyed vibe.

"Urgh" I can feel my stomach churning.

"Do you have anything else to do than inconvenience the people around you?. Seriously, you're such a bother rather than a brother." North swiftly stepping out.

Third Person's POV

South was just quiet to himself, he doesn't know wether to cry or not. He just doesn't know.

'Why did I cut myself? I just want to lessen the pain. Is it my fault? Am I an idiot? Why did I do that? Then he found out too... Why didn't he even..ask?'

Thinking about it made the Korean drowsy then sleep.

-time skips-

Philippines visited the hospital.

He found out that he have been asleep for 2 weeks as an anemic. North didn't explain anything so he asked Philippines.

"How are you?" Philippines asked peeling an apple.

"My muscles are stiff but I'm fine" South answered watching Philip peel the apple like a pro

"Did you come alone?" the korean added

"My brother, Del came with me" He answered finishing the peeled apple.

Brother huh

'you must be close' is what South want to say.

"You're so good in handling a knife" he said eyeing the peel of apple form a complete apple like it wasn't touched.

"Haha I'm not sure. I can only peel apple like this because my brothers are always in the hospital" Philip smiled humbly

"Are they always sick?"

"Hahahaha No.. No.. Haha they aren't Pfft.. hahaha" He bursted into laughter, the country tried his best to hold his composure. "they're always fighting so they always end up in hospital" he explained after calming down.

South Korea borrowed a book from Philip so he could read to pass time. The filipino left early for some reason so South started reading the book.

It was a story where the main character has a loving family except for his brother who continuously frame him, his best friend betrayed him to marry her girlfriend, it was a devastating but he let it go and lived a new life. His new life was a lot better than his old friend, brother, or his ex-girlfriend by forgiving the others which they regretted.

-end of the story-

The story has a similarities in South's life. It maybe boring but he decided to live a new life. Rather than crying and lessening the pain, he wanted to begin anew.

The next day arrived, South is feeling a lot better. Even if the doctor is not okay with South leaving, he can't do much in that situation.

On the way home, he visited food stalls to delay his trip, too nervous if his mother would be worried or angry. There's something wrong with his stomach but he forced himself to eat to calm himself.

He got 'home', slowly opening the door. He saw the dishes that wasn't washed since he was at the hospital.

"Omma hasn't been home?"

He glanced on the glass that broke when they had a fight, he's uncomfortable.

He carefully stepped up on the stairs to make his way to his room without alerting North.

South's POV

I opened the door and placed my bag on the nearest chair. I know someone was here without me knowing. I started cleaning, picking my clothes putting it on the laundry.

This is my first step

I saw a familiar crampled paper and opened it.

'She clearly likes America, give up' it's a lie if I say it doesn't hurt but I'm fine.

"So you were still here" I smiled bitterly throwing it to the trash can. I found my phone under my bed turning it on.

I saw a lot of messages from Ame, Japan, Philip, Indo? Why does he have my number? Haha. But there's no message from Omma. She might be too busy with her business.

I made my way to the bathroom to shower but the blood stains are still here so I brushed it off.

I started showering letting the drops hit and flow through my face. I shed some tears remembering the betrayal from my bestfriend and girlfriend, the night I was forced to.... 'Will I still be able to begin anew? It already pains me to stay here' I thought staring on my wrist.  'Why did I still wake up?'

Then I remembered the mirror on my dream. 'Don't forget our bet and your promise' what does that mean?.

I washed myself then stepped out the shower but I'm still not satisfied so I scrubbed my body in the shower. After I'm satisfied, I dried myself and wore some clothes. I laid down on my bed drowsy.

'Ugh my whole body stings'

The next morning arrived so he decided to attend school even with stiff and weak muscle. He went to the bathroom again taking and hour on the bathroom. He left the house to school. On the way there, he suddenly questioned: "Why am I going to school again?"

His mother still hasn't been home since she left so he doesn't know that his son was hospitalized.

"SOUTH KOREA" some loud country called him. He looked back to see the trio, MaPhilIndo. Malaysia hit Indo while Philip was just laughing.

South stopped on his track to wait for the three.

"Are you okay now?" Malaysia asked.

"Yup, I'm fine now."

"If I were you, I just stayed home play something than going to this hell school" Indonesia suggested idiotically.

We laughed after Malay hit Indo.

"Hey, I think your neck is bleeding" Philip stated

"Yeah it's true" Indo confirmed and  Malaysia nodded.

"Ah I must have scrubbed too hard"

>>>> >> > Author-san < << <<<

😍 💝 😍 😍

So... Did somebody notice something?

So my sibling ended up having dengue rather than a normal fever and it's going to critical soon according to doctors when we brought her again to the hospital.

Anyways, I just want you to be safe not only on COVID but on other diseases as well.

The next update would be March 24
Why? Because I'm freaking behind my schedule😭

Pray for me guys😢 and for my sibling.

I hate you since birth (South Korea) [COUNTRYHUMANS] Where stories live. Discover now