Desk Mirror

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South Korea's Pov

*Beep beep beep*

was the first sound I heard after I opened my eyes. I stared at the white ceiling with blank expression. I saw a figure at the corner of my eye then muffled sounds, not exactly muffled and we're speaking the same language but I can't process the words. Then a couple of white clothed guys came.

'so sleepy' my tired eyes just closed their own.


I opened my eyes to see a dark place, I looked around then saw a table with desk mirror. I walked to that table and sat on the chair like it was the most natural thing to do, besides the table, desk mirror and the chair there's nothing else here. I looked at the mirror but there's no image of myself.

'why does it feels so familiar?'

Then my reflection is surfacing until it fully manifest, it just look a little different on how I look.

"You're back again?" the mirror spoke, the image on the mirror. I gasped then accidentally threw the mirror from surprise. What? Am I insane? I calmed down and gathered the courage to pick up the thing I dropped. I saw the figure poker face or like wtf face.

"Don't forget our bet and your promise" he said then faded.




My sibling who awaits the most for this part 2 is now sick. Haha! S/he's too excited that s/he over heated🤒.

Anyways, this chapter might be a little confusing and have little content but you will soon understand their conversation. Stay faithful... Uhh I mean stay tuned☺️. The next chapter will be released 2-5 days from now on.

I hate you since birth (South Korea) [COUNTRYHUMANS] Where stories live. Discover now