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Third person's POV

*at the clinic*

"What happened?" The lady nurse asked while checking the patient


"So he pass out from heat?" The nurse confirmed while checking on South.

They nodded

"Strange" she whispered but enough for the two to hear

"What is?" Russia asked

"It maybe heat exhaustion but..." She said while thinking

"When was the last time he ate?"

"He didn't ate breakfast" the American stated.

"Only breakfast? "

" I don't know" Ame said in low voice

The nurse sighed "You two should go back now" they nodded.

-after 6 hours-

South's POV

I woke up only to see a white ceiling.

"You really love sleeping, don't you?" I looked where the voice came from, it's from the nurse

I glanced on my watch, it's 3:31. I felt my face heat up the school already ended.

"Uhm, why am I here?" I asked changing the subject

"You pass out from heat exhaustion and starvation" she said

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Dinner" I answered uncomfortable making it seems like yesterday.

"Lying isn't gonna help you, When?" She asked again

"Saturday dinner" I answered thinking she have a point.

"What's happening to you?" I tilted my head not knowing what's she asking.

"Your wrist has light bruise, your palm are full of cuts probably from broken glasses, your left part neck has wound you're lucky it didn't hit your throat, you didn't eat since Saturday. What happened?" She said making me shut up

I don't wanna tell her. It'll make me look I'm miserable. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me, just take care of yourself" she sighed. "You can go home now" she added which I replied thank you.

I put my gloves, chocker and watch, picked my bag and phone. It has message.

From: Ame
You passed out, take care of yourself more. I didn't tell your brother bout that. He won't care anyway.

From: Japan<3
Call me when you wake up

Unknown number
Sorry that you were drag with us

I think it was Russia but I am honestly surprised.

I don't want to go home early so I decided to go to park.

I roam around the place watching the number of kids decrease as the sun is nearing it's fall.

I remembered my hidden spot so I decided to go there before going home.

The sunset is breathtaking. I tried to remember my thoughts yesterday so I could reflect on it.

Even if I die no one will care right?

I giggled on my past self. What was I thinking, I still have Ame and Japan with me.

I just noticed that there's a couple kissing down there. It's better to leave. When I was about to leave, I think I know them. I narrowed my eye so I could see them. The two people are....

America and Japan?

I blinked few times to see if I'm seeing things but unfortunately, I'm not.

Warm liquids flow down to my cheeks. I covered my mouth as I watch America pull out from the kiss. Japan hugged him happily, more happy than when she was with me.


I heard some cracking sound again but I don't care where it's coming from.

My breathe hitched. Something is pricking my chest. It's so hard to breathe. The tears won't stop. I bring out my phone, zoomed it. I couldn't believe my own eyes.

I turned and started walking to my so called 'home'.

Third Person's POV

When South got there, North is nowhere to be seen. He's probably at his room or somewhere. South also went to his room and started crying there.  He saw a paper on the floor that fell from his jacket. He picked it

'She clearly likes America, give up'


He felt an excruciating pain in his heart making it harder to breath. Isn't there a way to ease it? Even for a little bit.

He went to the bathroom

'I bet it wouldn't last for three days'


"Shut up!" South yelled

The burden is too much for the young boy. His girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend and all what his brother said was all true.

'Will there be worse than this' he thought

Even if I die no one will care, right?

I still have Japan and America

Now that I lost them, who do I have now?

He thought which added more suffering on him.

"Who do you have now?" He asked on his reflection

After some time of crying the pain wouldn't go away and he couldn't take it anymore. 'Isn't there any way?'

He remembered the time when he was picking the glasses and it eases the pain in his chest.

He took the cutter on his side and placed the cold metal blade on his soft tender skin letting the warm liquid flow out of his pale body. The pain is easing up his heart. He slashed his wrist after slash, not knowing that too much will kill him. He just want to lessen the burden. South just cut and cut and cut his wrist without care if blood was spurting from his arm. It wasn't enough so he continued sliding the blade on his other wrist until he blacked out. At least it removed some weight on him.

I hate you since birth (South Korea) [COUNTRYHUMANS] Where stories live. Discover now