New Teacher

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Third Person's POV

After lunch, they returned to their classroom.

An unknown uncle entered the class with a friendly smile. All of the students began whispering as to who's the person infront of them.

"I know all or some of you are wondering who I am. I'm your new teacher in literature since the last one quit. You can just call me Teacher Crug."

The new teacher began teaching and the students liked him because he would insert some jokes in his lesson while making the class interesting. The bell came and he has to leave the class.

South's POV

A new teacher taught the class and he was a good teacher. He has a taller figure than most student with balance muscles and fats in hid body.

I'm fixing my notebooks used in literature when Teacher asked me to come to his office later because of skipped activities. I nodded respectfully to him while looking up.  He was smiling but for a moment I think his smile turned into a grin, sending shivers to my spine, the familiar shiver from that 'night'.

'Calm down. You're over thinking'

He left the class

Was I hallucinating?


The class ended with hardship from catching up lessons. Now I need to dive in mountain of books. People asked me why I was absent for two weeks answering them that I was anemic.

I got home only to realize that I forgot to go to Teacher Crug.

My body was tired so I threw my bag somewhere and flopped on the sofa. Slowly, I'm drifting to sleep.

Third Person's POV


A loud opening sound of the door made South jump awake. He stand up to see who caused the noise.

It was North and he was drunk.

Fearing 'that night' might happen again. South trembles as he clutched his chest. He held the sofa for support.

"Slow down North, you're gonna break the door" China closed the door carefully.

South didn't notice China as he was struggling to breath. His thoughts are going wild.

'Woulditberepeated?Nonononoit can't'snouse.wouldIbepinned,youshouldjusthangmyselfnexttimenonononotheresnonexttime.IthurtsIfeellikedying..Noyourefine.Ineedhelp..Noyoudont.stopbeingsodramatic..Ineedtocalmdownnothing'sgonnahappen..NojusttakeitYourefine..'

('Would it be repeated? No no no no it cant be. I need to hide. Now. it's no use. Would I be pinned, You should just hang myself next time no no no no theres no next time. It hurts I feel like dying.. No you're fine. I need help..No you don't.. stop being so dramatic ..I need to calm down nothing's gonna happen..Just take it Yourefine..')

If South didn't notice then China noticed him.

"Hey South Korea, Sorry for crashing in" China smiled which faded when he saw South holding the sofa for support while clutching his chest.

"What's the problem?" China tapped South's shoulder which made South flinch, making the Chinese worried.

Sk looked at the red country.

"I-I... can't.. br.. - breath" he said between his gasps. Dizziness struck him losing his balance completely.

China don't know what's happening, thinking it's an asthma he called North who was on his way to bed.

"North!" he shouted.

"where's his inhaler?" China asked

"the what?" North shouted.

He heard thumps on the floor and he arrived. North looked at his brother but his blurry vision didn't help.

China looked back to Sk sweating and trembling.

"Is. Is this a panic attack? "  he asked himself.

"B-breath slowly" China stated but it was too late as South's vision started to blurr until he lost conciousness.

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