Stereo hearts

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  • Dedicated to My girlfriend, Morgan

April turned up the music as loud as possible, threw her arms up in the air and smiled broadly. She closed her eyes and I watched, from the corner of my eye; how the chilly wind hit her as I drove us to school. Her long blond hair was blowing everywhere and the sun reflecting on it made it shine like it was made of spun gold. We sang along with the music blasting through the stereo of my car.

"My heart's a stereo,
It beats for you so listen close,
Hear my thoughts in every note."

I glanced quickly at her again- laughing and singing the words in her sweet voice, not wanting to take my eyes off the streets. I had always been a responsible driver, but I couldn't say the same thing about April. She was a crazy driver. One ride with her and you would turn into the most religious person, praying to God to keep you safe the entire ride. Not that I would complain because she would kill me. She never likes it when someone criticizes her driving skills, and I learned that the wrong way.

April turned to me, smiling widely and continued singing at the top of her lungs.

"Make me your radio,
And turn me on when you
feel low,"

She pointed to me, expecting me to keep singing along with her. So we sang together as we came closer to the school parking lot. "This melody was meant for you; just sing along to my stereo."

I was never one of those people that love to sing out loud, simply because I can't sing. But April never had that issue. She could sing all day long and I would never get tired of hearing her beautiful voice. She knows I wish I could sing like her sometimes, but every time I tell her that, she tells me I have a beautiful voice too. I guess I will never know if she is telling me that because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings or because she really means it. Being my best friend since middle school, April is the only one apart from my family that has ever heard me sing.

I parked the car in our usual spot as my favorite part of the song started, so I rapped along, "If I was just another dusty record on the shelf, ould you blow me off and pla-" April's hand covering my mouth prevented me from singing any longer. I looked at her and she was giggling.

She said, with her hand still covering my mouth, "Izzy! people are going to hear you singing!"

I tried to answer her but with her hand still on my mouth, everything I said came out as a weird muffled sound. So I did the most reasonable thing... I licked her hand.

She squealed and made a face at me and wiped her hand on my shirt like she just touched a dead body. I cracked up laughing; she was just so cute. She looked at me and slapped my shoulder playfully. "That's gross Izzy, you don't know what I could have touched and now you have thousands of germs in your mouth."

I laughed it off and replied to her while wiggling my eyebrows at her, "Tell me April, what did you do with your hand this morning?"

She slapped my shoulder again and tried not to laugh while saying, "You are such an ass."

I reached for our back packs and I handed April hers as I started walking along with her to the school's main doors after locking the car. I looked at her and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that. We all know you love me, pup. That's why I am your best friend."

She look around -I guess she was looking for our group our friends- while replying to me, "Remind me to look around for a new best riend," she glanced at me, smiling slightly, "One that doesn't lick my hand, or call me by that awful nickname you have for me."

I put my hand over my heart pretending to be hurt and making a puppy face while I looked down at her. Standing so close to her made more evident the height difference, with the top of her head reaching the tip of my nose. "Ouch pup, you are hurting my feelings here. Plus, be realistic, you are not going to find a better best friend and your family already loves me so I can convince them to adopt me so you can't get rid of me."

She just laughed and looked ahead, where our friends were waiting for us to the side of the building. She kissed my cheek quickly and kipped to where her boyfriend Zac was standing with the rest of our friends. Out of reflex I looked away when she jumped in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

It's not that I have a problem with Zachary or anything like that... Okay, maybe I don't like him and I think April deserves better that some dumb football player, but I don't plan on telling her that again seeing how she reacted the first time I told her that. I mean, c'mon! April is the most intelligent girl I ever met; she got the looks, the brain, and the humor. Of course Zachary doesn't deserve her- no one does.

I continued walking to where everyone was, completely ignoring them making out like I always do. Why can't I ever look at them when they are kissing? It's not like I have the same problem with Abby and Jason making out. My thoughts were interrupted by Nathan wrapping his bulky arm around my waist. I looked at him, slightly glaring and took his arms away from me. "Good morning Nathan, you didn't find someone else toharass today?"

He smiled at me, trying to be charming. "No one can compare to you Izzy. We would be the perfect couple! Me," he pointed to himself, "The hot bad boy, and you," he looked at me up and down before saying, "The wallflower. It's almost like a fairy tale."

I scoffed and smiled at Blair who was looking at us with an amused expression. "Yeah 'bad boy', you should stop watching so many tv shows cause that's not going to happen." I walked to her and hugged her tight, whispering to her so Nathan couldn't hear me, "Why doesn't he give in?"

Blair laughed as I pulled away from the hug and replied to me, full of sarcasm, "Cause your love it's almost like a fairy tale. You two are so meant to be together." I couldn't help but laugh about what she said. Every single day for the last year and a half I would came to school and athan would try to ask me out or talk about our love, all while using some cheesy line. It's not that it doesn't cheer me up, cause who doesn't like when someone tries hard to win your heart? But the problem it's that he is definitely not my type. My type is, well, girls. I'm a lesbian.

But no one knows about it, except for Eli, my gay best friend, and Abby, cause she caught me making out with some girl last year and she lmost told everyone in our group because she was freaking out. Luckily I managed to keep her mouth shut or I would lose April forever.

I know we met each other in 6th grade and now we are seniors, but you are never too sure about someone being okay with gays or not and that's not a risk I'm going to take so easily. I have to find the perfect time to tell her about it.

April finally stopped making out with his boyfriend just when Abby and Jason walked to us with their hands interlaced. She looked at me and gave me a teasing look, as if she heard everything Nathan said. I just rolled my eyes at her with a little smile. Zachary decided to address my existence and he gave me a little nod as a "hi", which I returned with a little fake smile and a nod.

Now that everyone in the group was here and we did our greetings, we started walking towards the entrance and into the school while hatting, eventually everyone taking their own path to their classes, while April and I walked together to our first class of the day, Advanced English.

Today it's Monday and the second week of the year so that means the real shit starts today.

I sat in the middle of the classroom with April by my side who was watching me with a little frown. I took out my notebook and my pen and turned around to watch April again who was still staring at me curiosly. I gave her a funny look and ignored her as I started humming "Stereo Hearts", the song we were singing today in the car. Why is she acting like that?

It was when the teacher finished taking assistance and started to walk around the classroom giving us our work, that a little piece of pink paper was placed over my notebook. I could recognize that type of paper everywhere. April's favorite notebook has that paper, the one I gave her this summer. I looked over at her but she was watching the front of the classroom, pretending she didn't know I was watching her. So I just opened the little note and read, "We need to talk."

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