Body Swap

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Requested by Thenewbutt

I'm so sorry for completely losing the plot on this one! My mind was so dry.

Takes place in Season 6

Word Count: 3567

Scar watched curiously as Cub mixed a mysterious brew of potions. The two hung out a lot more, now that the Area 77 shenanigans had ended, and Scar couldn't be happier. Of course he had enjoyed working on the place with Doc and fighting against those meddling hippies, but he had honestly missed his fellow vex just as much.

And when he found the makeshift base in the middle of the forest within their parameters, it was safe to say that Cub had felt the same way, too.

Unless he just wanted some secrets to sell, which, in all honesty, was just as likely. This was Cub that he was talking about.

"So, what are we making?"

"I honestly don't know" He laughed as he picked up a glass bottle and carefully scooped up some of the potion. "We'll need to go around and test it"

Scar smiled and nodded, honestly liking the idea. The Vex magic that both had grown so familiar with required occasional pranking, lest they lose their minds completely.

This would be a fun, and hopefully harmless way to let out that energy.

"I like the sound of that" Scar smiled, already brushing off his elytra, ready to fly across the shopping district. That would be the best place to find people, and closest to Con Corp as well.

Cub smiled, having filled up a few more bottles. He carefully placed them in his inventory, sorting everything out so that the delicate glass wouldn't break. "Let's head out, if you're ready"

The two of them flew over the shopping district, laughing and reminiscing about all of the weird and wonderful builds that were scattered all over. There were a lot of memories, but sadly, not that many hermits.

It was likely that they were in New Hermitville, checking out the newest of items they now had access to. The two were about to head there instead, when a huge block of concrete caught their sight.


Their business rivals.

Grian had been very involved in the Hippie Commune, so it wouldn't be too bold to assume that the Architechs would be holding a meeting too, much like Cub and Scar had done before getting majorly distracted.

And who better to prank than their opponents?

The two Vexes landed on the roof of the structure and silently agreed that these would be their victims. Cub flew away to scout the area, being much more sneaky and much less clumsy than Scar.

While Cub was gone, Scar smiled and took this time to admire the place. He would never say it openly, and especially not in front of Cub, but the place was beautiful. Grian was one heck of a genius when it came to builds.

The concrete must have been an insane grind, and the redstone, despite lacking functionality, was admirably ambitious.

When Cub came back, Scar could tell by the mischievous gleam in his eyes that they had found their victims.

The two flew over to the shop front, where Grian and Mumbo were standing by the input chest, inspecting it carefully. Mumbo was scratching his head, presumably trying to find the issue, while Grian stood by with a sheepish, almost guilty grin. Iskall was rewiring the circuits inside of the system, trying to locate the issues there.

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