Falling Stars

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Thank you so much for 5k reads! Yall are absolutely incredible!

Anyways, here is my take on the Switcheroo Challenge by Fandomsunite05

It's an awesome concept, and I really do want to participate in stuff like this. Expect the next few chapters to be the same, because my mind is running dry on any actual ideas.

Though, I really want to turn this into a book---

Warning: angst ahead. And self loathing. And death. I'm sorry, Grian.


Theme - Stargazing.

Word Count: 2305

The night sky was painted a pretty purple by the early hours of twilight, and the stars that were held in the grasp of the inky blackness shone brilliantly upon the world. The air was completely still, facilitated by the lack of life in the landscape for miles to come. Nothing was left to breathe.

The stars twinkled upon what once was a close knit community of friends. They smiled tauntingly upon the ruins of EVO. They laughed maniacally at the sole survivor of the tragedy.

A red clad man stood amongst the wreckage that he had once called his home. Purple flames scarred the beaten landscape, and it would continue to do so for the rest of eternity. With one hand covering his face, wiping the tears away as they came, and the other gripping a damaged set of headphones, the sandy blonde stood frozen in place, heaving his breaths and sobbing uncontrollably.

How could this have happened?

He'd yelled at the sky. He'd begged the universe for kindness. His face burned hotter than every star in the night sky.

Why did it have to be this way?

He could cry, and yell, and scream as much as his lungs would let him. He could stare down the universe with the intensity of a thousand suns. He could wage a war against the powers that he couldn't begin to comprehend.

However, none of it would bring his friends back.

Grian had to make peace with that fact. He needed to keep on living, if not for himself, then for their sake. They would have wanted him to keep on going, to keep on living. To carry on the legacy of the fallen world that was EVO. That's what they would have wanted.


The doubt dragged him into the dirt, and Grian fell to his knees, keeping his head down low as he gripped the dying grass. He let out another painful sob, his tears falling freely onto the ground underneath him.

Survivor's guilt was a horrible feeling, a conflict between being grateful for being alive and distraught that so much had been lost. Grian felt absolutely intoxicated by the concept that he wouldn't have had to feel this way if he had just died, like the rest of them.

He broke down further and crumpled into the ground. What a pathetic sight. He could feel the universe laughing at him, and his friends disappointed.



That's all that he was.

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