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Yet another installment in the
Switcheroo Challenge.

Yeah, I'm having way too much fun with this.

Thank you, FandomsUnite05 for this wonderful challenge. I'm worried that I'm overdoing this, but it's way too much fun :D

So, apparently Tango doesn't want to be associated with demons just because of his eyes, and since we hermittpaders like to honour stuff like that, I will too.

Theme - Bloodred.
Word count: 3030

Tango blinked in surprise as he stood in place, practically frozen at the scene that began to unfold before him. The streets of the village emptied itself at his mere presence. Iron Golems looked at him with great suspicion. He wished that this didn't happen every time. He wished that his appearance didn't drive them all away.

He didn't look that repulsive, did he?

The sun was already starting to set. However, it was as clear as day that he wouldn't be getting any shelter from this place. In fact, he probably wouldn't be getting any shelter from any place.

Not until they were able to see past his blood red eyes.

He clenched his hand to make a fist, slowly pushing his frustration further and further down his chest, swallowing whatever pride he had. He wasn't a demon. He was going to act like he wasn't a demon. Why did people even think that?

Without wasting another breath, he turned his back at yet another failure on his part. He needed to stop searching for a place that would shelter him. No one was going to shelter him. Especially when he looked the way he did.

He'd need to brave the terrors of the night on his own. The way he had always done.

He began to move. He didn't have a choice.

A shrill sound tore through the sky, and Tango cursed himself internally. When was the last time he had slept? He drew his iron blade and turned sharply, swinging in the direction of the sound. The cutting edge of the steel slit through the phantom's wing with ease, causing it to fall clean off. The phantom cried defiantly, before its body crumpled into mere dust, its remnants flying away in the form of smoke. Tango barely had the time to be proud of this achievement before more shrill sounds could be heard from the sky. He ran as quickly as he could in a feeble attempt to escape from the monsters of insomnia.

It was routine. He had been running for the longest time. Under the canopy of trees in the forest nearby, he was protected by the menacing phantoms. However, by doing so, he was now trapped with many other mobs, ones that didn't swoop in from the sky. It wasn't nearly as easy to run in the mess of trees that surrounded him.

His shield was damaged, his sword was chipped, and his heart was racing. He'd soon be facing another horrible death, wouldn't he? He'd need to start from scratch, and head in a different direction from spawn. Except, he'd run out of directions to travel in. If he were forced back to his starting point, heaven only knows where in the world he would be going. Heck, even he didn't know where he was going.

However, he just wanted to keep on going. There was a thrill in adventuring. However, he was getting desperate to settle. To find company, and seek solace in friendship. If not something more. He wanted to find a place where people wouldn't run away from him simply because of the colour of his eyes.

A sharp pain shot through his body, the feeling originating in his lower back. It was sharp, and it hurt. Tango knew that he had been penetrated by an arrow. He had felt this sensation countless times, yet was unable to become numb to the pain. He dashed forward with his shield in tow, knocking over the zombies that stood in his way. He needed to get out of here. He needed to find something. Anything.

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