Chapter 3: The Dangers of a Starry Night

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I fill in Cathy with as much information as I can, most of it being from memory since I grew up being told stories about faeries, but a lot of it also from the internet.

"So we can't see them because they hide it with glamour?" Cathy's eyebrows are pulled together and her lips are pursed, "Haley this is too much, you sound crazy."

"There is literally nothing else that can explain what's happening to us, and all the stories my mom told me as a kid suddenly make a lot more sense now. How she knew so much about them," my voice goes quieter as I refer to my mother in past tense, "As I explained before, faeries all share four common... traits; enhanced speed, healing, strength and glamour. Their glamour allows them to show us what they want us to see and can convince us to do their bidding. It's kind of like hypnosis in the sense that they can suggest something and because our mind is human, we do it. Except when it comes to their illusions," I continue, "So if a faerie wanted us to see a unicorn in their place, we would. They can only do this to humans who haven't come into contact with Fae magic though. Since we have, we will always see the truth of what they look like. As for their glamour being able to control us, I think it's void the same way the glamour becomes useless for illusions once we intake their magic."

Cathy nods her head, seemingly understanding what I said, "Are those all the powers they have?"

I shake my head, "Typically, no. Some of them have powers over things like ice, lightning, dream manipulation, mesmerization, telepathy, etc. However, only very powerful faeries can control things like the elements and seasons."

"They control seasons?" Cathy whispers, looking around us as if someone could be eavesdropping.

"Yeah, supposedly the king's do," I laugh, "If this isn't just a dream, I guess they can."

Cathy leans back against my couch, "That's crazy."

"I know," I nod my head in agreement as I shut my laptop, "As crazy and frightening as it sounds, it's kinda cool."

Cathy winces, "I mean, yeah, I guess? It's just weird going my whole life not knowing I live side by side with these things and then having my eyes opened to their world. Now having to deal with the prospect of becoming one of them? It's... a lot."

"If we do become one of them, we essentially become immortal. Forever stuck at this age, but more beautiful," I comment cheekily, trying to ease both of our minds, "I don't know about you, but I could get used to being the most gorgeous gal in the room."

"I guess I could too," Cathy sighs, leaning her head against the couch-back, "I'm just scared of the way they might treat us. Like, what if we don't fit in because we weren't born as one of them? I don't know."

I lean forward and rest a hand on Cathy's knee, "Kit-kat, you heard yourself when Maeve said the fae practically worship the ground we walk on because of our ability to successfully procreate. I'm sure they won't treat us like trash."

I wince internally. I still wasn't even sure I'd be able to get pregnant if I did change.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Cathy sighs through her nose as she stares up at my ceiling, "I better make some cool friends. How does their whole government work? You think there'll be a prince I can fall in love with? Ya know, since you said there's a king and there are four courts?"

Cathy sits up, curiosity apparent in her wide eyes and bouncing legs.

"I'm sure you'll make plenty of friends, kit-kat," I say as I pat her knee laughing, "As for their government, I'm not exactly sure how their system of hierarchy works. And the prince thing? Good luck with that one, babe."

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