Chapter 15: Cathy

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Sorry for being gone for so long! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! It's more so of an informational one, but there's some action in there ;)
~also not edited sorry teehee~


For half of the day, the queen busies Cathy and I with the history of the faeries and things I already know. The only topic that interests me is that of the original faeries. They were said to have been inhumanely beautiful creatures, even more so than the faeries that surround Cathy and I now, and had extraordinary powers.

"Could you explain more about the original faeries?" I ask the queen as I leaf through the thick book.

Cathy comes back over from the shelve of books she's inspecting to listen in on the topic.

"They were the first four faeries born from the union of the Fae mother, Sidhe, and Arawn," the queen explains, "Each one was granted control over an element; earth, air, fire, water. They were named Danu, Brigid, Belenus and Nuada. Along with their control of the elements, they each controlled a season. Danu controlled winter, Brigid controlled spring, Belenus controlled summer and Nuada controlled Autumn. Danu was the oldest and the most beautiful of her siblings. She would later become the first ruler of the fae kingdom."

"The first king was a woman?" Cathy asks to clarify, leaning onto her elbows in clear interest of the topic.

"Yes, and she was the most powerful of all her siblings which is why the winter fae have always remained as rulers," the queen smirks to herself slightly, "If we wanted, we could bury every other court. My husband and son choose not to."

"So you control earth as well?" I ask, looking up from the photos illustrating Danu pulling mountains from the sea.

"That was a power only the original faerie king had. Much like the wings and procreative abilities, the rest of the faerie population also did not exactly inherit the ability to manipulate the elements to the extreme of the original faeries. For example, the summer fae can manipulate fire, but they cannot create it. However, the high lords can control them to a certain extent because they are all direct descendents from the original fae. It's difficult to explain, but easier to understand once experienced."

"How did Danu become king?" I glide my fingers gently over the portrait depicting Danu with a wild crown of branches and leaves holding the earth in one hand and creating a snowflake in the other.

"There was a battle between all four kingdoms over territories, Danu, being declared the strongest, lead the fae armies and pushed back the vampires along with the wolves and witches. It was thanks to her strategy of sending summer faeries to fight the vampires, winter faeries to fight the wolves and spring and autumn faeries to fight the witches."

"But that's splitting up the troops, how did they not get beat?" Cathy gets up and walks over to a shelf of colorful books that has obviously piqued her interest.

The queen follows her movements with her eyes and perches herself on the desk, "Vampires have a sensitivity to fire, wolves will gather to stay warm, making it easier to kill them, and witches cannot practice if the land they call their power from is ravaged by water and tornadoes."

I nod my head, yawning slightly when I look outside the window and see the rays of sunlight peaking through the blanket of night.

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