Chapter 11: Courtship and Courters

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Lil early update for ya cuties, enjoy ;)


"Original faeries?" I test the words on my tongue, confusion grasping every single syllable.

Maeve looks to the king and he nods, telling her to sit down.

"The story of the original faeries is as follows; the Fae Mother, we call her Sidhe, was born from the earth and terribly lonely. She found comfort in the lord of the underworld. In their union, faeries were born. The first four faeries were all given dominion over one of the elements; earth, water, fire and air. They all spread out and began procreating with humans. In their union with the humans, they didn't care about having to change them so long as they kept having children. A faerie mating with a human will always result in a Fae child," the king gave my wings a pointed look, "However, after the first generation of faeries born from the Fae Mother, the rest never inherited the one thing that distinguished the original faeries; their wings or the ability to create healthy, pure blooded faeries."

"Wait," I close my eyes as confusion muddles my mind, "How do I have wings if I'm clearly not a first generation faerie?"

"That is the million dollar question; we don't know," Maeve says, "We believe the Fae Mother purposefully wanted her children only to procreate with humans because, though rare, our mates typically are humans. This dilutes the purity of the blood of the faeries, and their powers. Why she wanted to do this, we don't know. However, that is why we still have lords and our king, and why we can't procreate successfully. The Lords and King are descended from the original faeries. For you to have wings means that... you are one of the four somehow and can birth incredibly powerful faeries."

"I can't be, I just turned twenty-four," I say, my mouth hung open in disbelief, "I literally didn't know faeries were real until five days ago."

Finan remains oddly quiet, but I ignore his strange behavior and focus back on the king. Or I try my best to. Ever since I transformed, I felt this strange sensation in the pit of my stomach and it got stronger every time I looked at Finan. Did my faerie transformation strengthen my hatred for him or what?

"There is absolutely no way you know how this happened?" I ask the king.

He shrugs, "No, I have no clue. However, I will ask a few of my trusted officials to dig out the history of the Fae and I will try to see what they find from it."

I nod my head, "Am I still safe here?"

The queen stands from her throne and walks to me, "From the moment the faeries of our court smelled your blood, they knew you were pure and something more. I hope they simply believe it is because you are a virgin, if they knew that you could quite literally create a race of faeries that could become unstoppable, there would be no shortage of attempts to court you or on your life."

"A lot of them were whispering about me, giving me strange looks. The men mostly seemed like they hated me, they all had these looks of... constipation," I say, my brows furrowed as I look down at the ground, "I thought it was because a lot of them already perceive me as his prince's favorite and held a disliking towards me."

"The scent of your blood is strong, it will attract many males and it will make them want to claim you. It is natural for a faerie to be drawn to another powerful faerie if they are in search of a mate," the queen says, "I'm surprised the males didn't attack you in there when your scent hit their noses. It had me drooling, that's for sure."

I look at the queen with wide, horrified eyes and she laughs. The rest of her family sighs dejectedly.

"We are not shy creatures, my dear mortal," she gives me a wink and grabs my hands in hers, "That grand hall fell silent so fast, I know everyone was thinking of you in naughty ways."

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