Chapter 19: Liar of all Liars

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I wrap the bed sheets tighter around me as I bite my nails, nerves eating away at my insides. My eyes never stray from the faeries pulling down the head of Glacies that hung above my bed.

I guess my scream was loud enough for most of the entire palace to hear, so half of the guards rushed to my aid, as did the Royal family.  When they got here, I was on all fours heaving up my stomach in the corner of my room, sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. Embarrassing as the supposed next queen, but what can I say? Seeing the severed head of an animal I was making a bond with can do that to me.

Finan is talking to his father on the side, whispering and glancing around the room as if suspicious of the people in it. I stand up, square my shoulders, clear my throat and walk over to them.

"I'd like to know what you are talking about," I say, my nose in the air.

Finan looks uneasy as he looks between his father and I. Everyone in the room continues doing as they were directed by the king as the three of us speak. The queen and Maeve had decided to go and record their own details of the events from people that were in the hall when the incident happened, or had been working in the hall at all.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Haley. This is something serious. If the person, or people, that did this were able to kill Glacies, then they're dangerous," Finan says.

The king takes this time to observe us, and for being king, I forget he is one half of the time.

"I am the one obviously being targeted, so I refuse to be in the dark about something as grave as this when it entirely concerns me," I whisper furiously.

"Haley," the kings authoritative voice makes me coil into myself slightly and I bow my head, "Finan has a point, as do you, but this is a situation we must figure out first. Who, when, why and what is their purpose in going after you? What do they wish to accomplish? Arguing does us no good, so to ease the tension, Haley, you will be included in any information that we may find. I hope we figure this out sooner rather than later."

Finan is clearly unhappy with this because the rooms chills a couple of degrees. He gives me a pained look behind all of his anger, and it's like I can feel his worry and fear for me.

"If this is what you think is best, father, I will abide by it. However," Finan's eyes darken as his voice deepens and his tone becomes ominous, "If anything or anyone so much as touches Haley, I will freeze this kingdom over without so much as the blink of an eye."

"I will allow what you have said go simply because I know how it feels to see your mate going through a situation you feel powerless in, but do not mistake my mercy as weakness, son," the king says fiercely.

I frown, "Finan, it's going to be okay. I just don't want to feel like a burden. You and your family going through all this trouble to protect me makes me feel like I should at least try to help too."

Especially since I tried to kill the king.

Finan nods his head curtly, and to ease his mood, I surprise him, my myself, by opening up my arms and wrapping them around his neck before he has a chance to react. Slowly, Finan eases his arms around my waist and pulls me tightly into him, nuzzling his head into my hair as he slowly, but deeply inhales.

"I'm so worried, Haley," he admits, "They got into the palace and knew what room was yours and even killed your dragon. It's terrifying, and I know that's not exactly what you want to hear, but it's just how I feel."

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