Chapter 21: Of Storms and Snow

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The first week alone in the woods of the faerie kingdom was the first week I truly felt my humanity being stripped away by my faerie counterpart. My hair even began turning white. The ache in my chest only hurt the slightest bit by the end of the week, and I could barely feel any physical pain. My plan was to head to the rouge kingdom the queen had told me about. I'd be able to hide there until I could find my way back home. I stayed away from the towns and small villages, walking only through the trees of the wilderness. Food was obviously scarce and I only had my nightgown to keep me warm at night. I washed my clothes anytime I stumbled upon a river, or any body of water, and swam naked while my clothes dried. It felt nice being alone and away from everything that caused me emotional and mental distress, but I found myself thinking of Finan some nights as I looked up at the stars.

Damn the gods for giving me a manwhore for a mate.

By week two, I couldn't feel anything. I hardly noticed the beating of my heart as I walked aimlessly most nights. The feeling of the sun on my skin felt like a hindrance when I slept, the noise of animals and any form of life making me angry. My heart felt like it was no longer there, and I was glad for that. I stole food and clothes from carts that traveled through the forest trails, and I kept walking. The green gown that I managed to take was tight around my waist and had loose sleeves. It made me feel like a princess.

I was one.

Week three rolled around and I struggled to eat most nights. I resorted to pickpocketing and stealing from people, scaring them with my powers. It's an unreal feeling, having the power to create fear in someone.

After a month on my own, sleeping in the forest with the animals, I finally make my way into rogue territory thanks to the forced directions from strangers. I'm given odd looks from people, or things, when they see my hair, and I'm assuming wings because a few people even try to reach out and touch them. I walk deep into the village, asking street vendors where I can find a place to stay and they all direct me to the same place; the castle of the rogue king.

"Where is the castle?" I ask an elderly lady.

Her eyes are an odd yellow, and her fangs are long. A vampire, I'm assuming. The queen told me that vampires who haven't fed have yellow eyes while vampires who feed regularly have red eyes.

"It is about a days travel from here," her voice reminds me of a smoker's voice, "There is a cart leaving for the castle in about an hour, you best be leaving to catch it."

"Thank you," I hand her a few coins that I stole earlier and pick up an apple.

I find the cart that the old lady mentioned and ask the driver if I can ride with him to the castle. It all feels very medieval like, and I finally realize how different the faerie kingdom is compared to the rest of the supernatural kingdoms.

"Sure, but I expect some payment and protection. I know a powerful faerie when I see one," he grumbles as he brushes down the manes of the two horses.

"Of course," I reply, "I can do both of those things."

He just grumbles again before setting the brush inside one of the satchels on the horses and sitting down on the driver's seat. I sit beside him and he gives me the stink eye.

"I appreciate you giving me a ride to the castle, but look at me like that again and I'll rip out your liver," I say, shooting him a smile.

"I thought only original faeries had wings," he hisses, "Who exactly are you?"

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