Chapter 17: Feast

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"My dress is ruined now, thank you very much," I hiss as I pick up the pieces of what's left of it.

Finan is laying on the bed shirtless and his pants unbuckled. He has an arm behind his head as he leans against the bed frame, smirking at my practically naked form scrambling around the room to dress myself. If I weren't so busy freaking out to get myself dressed and down to the ball before anyone could notice our absence, I'd probably stand and admire his beautifully crafted body.

It's a sin to look as good as he does. Curse this damned mate bond. Making me horny by just looking at him.

Actually, that could just be me.

"I can just have someone bring you clothes," he says past a yawn.

"I'm really glad this is all very mundane for you, but I'm losing my shit," I growl, "Just because you gave me an earth shattering orgasm does not mean you're off the hook. I still can't stand to look at you."

"You could barely open your eyes when I had my head between your legs, so I can live with that," he replies.

I stop my panicking for a second, ignoring the damn pull I feel in my body, and glare so hard wishing that his head could catch on fire.

"I said we could start off again as friends."

"Do friends give each other oral sex?" Finan tilts his head, thinking he just did something.

"Sometimes," I reply, knowing it'll push his buttons.

"What did you just say?" He shoots up from his relaxed position to sit upright, his nostrils flared and his eyes slits.

I take a moment to look down at his flexed abs, swallowing so that I don't drool. The muscles in my inner thighs clench slightly and I feel my nipples get hard.

"You heard me," I answer, narrowing my eyes and smirking at him, daring him to do something.

"I will send you out into that ballroom naked, mate bond be damned," he grinds out, "Insinuate something like that again, and I won't hesitate."

"Fuck off, you thought about fucking my best friend."

The words give rise to a jealousy that I never thought I could feel, making my hands turn into fists. My vision goes red for a moment before I calm myself down.

"That was before I knew we were mates!" He argues, "As soon as I found out we were, I had nothing else on my mind but you!"

As flattering as that is, I'm still pissed.

"You still thought it!"

I open what I think is the closet door, luckily it is, walk into the closet and shut the door behind me.

"Conjure me something to wear or so help me all that is holy, I will bite off your dick!"

"That implies your mouth being near it, and I'm more than willing to take that chance!" I can hear the smugness in his voice even through the goddamn door.

My witty response dies in my throat when a dress appears right before my eyes. The first thing I notice is that it's probably the first dress I've worn that actually covers up most of my body, thank fuck for that. I'm enchanted by the lace and gold necklace that accompany the dress for a split second before my giddiness overwhelms me and I immediately begin changing into it.

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