Chapter 11

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Scarlett woke up the next morning on the couch, but she was wrapped in a furry blanket, with the pillow from her bed, the one with the satin pillowcase. She looked around in a daze, rubbing her eyes a little. There was a glass of water on the table and a note next to the glass.

"I figured it was better to set you up downstairs than wake you up to go to your room. I've heard you should never wake a pregnant chick when she's sleeping so. I'm filming with Ryland today, so I'll be kind of MIA, but if you need me, call or text and I promise I'll check my phone a lot. -A"

Scarlett sighed, smiling a little bit to herself, and then, as would happen to her so many times in the last few months, she felt tears forming in her eyes. She didn't even know why. He'd gotten her a blanket and wrote her a note. What was the big deal? She felt the tears welling and sighed again to herself, heading upstairs to shower.

Meanwhile, Andrew was back in his car, headed over to Ryland's to film with Rosanna Pansino, Ryland's favorite YouTube food and lifestyle guru. He thought back to last night at Scarlett's house. She'd leaned down and fallen asleep on his shoulder, and in spite of everything telling him not to go there, he had held her for longer than he cared to admit, just watching her sleep. He frowned to himself, hating how head over heels he was for her. She really was his dream girl, and it made him sick inside. He didn't know what to do about it, and there was an inkling inside him as he sat there that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same way about him, but he didn't dare try to find out. If she didn't, it would ruin everything, and with the Bean on the way, he couldn't make things awkward with her. If he was honest, he knew that even if she had feelings for him more than friendship, there was no way she felt the same way as he did. He was falling in love with her, and it was starting to scare the shit out of him. So he'd carefully tucked her in, left her a note, and crept out of her house, hoping to leave her in peace and get himself away from everything he was feeling about her. But it was no use, as you couldn't hide from feelings like these. There was no getting away from them.

As he headed off to Ryland's, Scarlett got out of the shower and FaceTimed with Kelsey. She had to talk to someone about the stuff with Andrew, and only Kelsey really knew the extent of what was going on. She dialed her roommate while she laid in bed, wrapped in the same furry blanket that Andrew had gotten for her, nursing a glass of water and a pack of saltine crackers as she waited for Kelsey to pick up. After a few rings, her best friend answered, and she was tanned and glowing, sitting on top of her hotel room bed on the brand trip in the Bahamas.

"What's goin' on Mama?!" Kelsey exclaimed, flashing the grin that made Scarlett immediately feel calm and relaxed. "Hey friend!" Scarlett said quietly, smiling slightly as she pulled the blanket up over her shoulders. "How's the beach?" Kelsey grinned a bit. "It's good, you know, just a lot of beauty gurus and not enough WiFi for everyone," she joked, and Scarlett laughed. "I miss you and you know, being around someone normal," Kelsey added, and Scarlett snorted. "Oh, yeah, because I'm just so normal right now, with my baby daddy issues and my puking all over everything. I'm a trainwreck!" Kelsey grinned her megawatt smile. "Yeah, but you're my trainwreck Scar," the brunette said kindly.

"How was Shane's house? Are you part of the Squad or what?" Kelsey asked, and Scarlett sighed a little. "It was great, everyone was super nice. Shane and I had a heart-to-heart talk, which both comforted and terrified me." Kelsey furrowed her brows. "What? You had a heart-to-heart talk with Shane Dawson! As he would say, "Bitch I'm Shook!!!" Scarlett shook her head a little in confusion. "What, why would he say that?" she asked, and Kelsey rolled her eyes at how clueless she was. "The talk, Scar. Focus, what did he say?"

Scarlett put her hand on her forehead, thinking it over. "I don't know, we just talked about a lot of stuff with Andrew and everything. Honestly, the whole day was eye opening. Like, I realized that I don't really know that side of Andrew at all." She paused, thinking of her conversation with Morgan, and Kelsey nodded. "Well, Scar, that's an easy fix. Their professional lives are right there on YouTube for you discover. I feel like I know them, and I've only met Andrew three times. Why don't you watch the videos?" Scarlett thought it over as Kelsey started to walk onto her balcony, showing her the beach view.

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