Chapter 23

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A week later, Andrew's mom had booked a visit to Los Angeles. Scarlett was so excited, and Andrew had to admit that he was happy to see his mom as well. Every time he heard Kara and Scarlett talking, he felt his heart jumping out of his chest, and there was something about the way his girl embraced his mom that made him warm and fuzzy inside. Scarlett had been so excited to meet Kara in person, just knowing they were going to have so much fun together. Kara had even volunteered to take Scarlett shopping for baby stuff, making sure she knew everything she would need for the baby so she and Andrew could get ready for the Bean. She was due to arrive on a Thursday, and stay until Sunday.

Andrew was sitting on his couch, head phones on as usual, reviewing footage and cutting clips for Shane. He was waiting for Scarlett to come home from work, and he'd asked her to come over and he'd cook her dinner. They been spending every night together, alternating houses, and Andrew was starting to wonder how their living arrangement would work out when the baby arrived. They were back and forth constantly, and while they only lived about ten minutes apart, Andrew had the feeling the constant driving back and forth would get tiresome. He'd been thinking for the past three months that it might be time for him to upgrade his digs, moving from his two bedroom apartment to a house, somewhere nice where the Bean could have her own space and a proper yard. Shane was encouraging him to buy, telling him that it was dumb to keep paying rent now that Andrew was financially set, and he had to admit that he thought Shane might be on to something. He had wanted to broach the topic with Scarlett, but he worried what she might say about it.

Scarlett walked in from work, clad in the maternity version of her lawyer clothes, an empire-waist dress which gave her room for her adorable belly with a black blazer on top. Andrew smiled as he noticed her walking in, and he pulled off his head phones to greet her.

"Honey, I'm home," Scarlett called out in her melodic voice, sitting next to him on his couch as he put his arms around her shoulders, kissing her softly on her temple. "Hi baby, how was your day?" he asked her immediately, and she smiled. "It was alright. I'm going to be meeting new clients tomorrow, some YouTubers. I wonder if you know them?" she asked, and he looked up with interest. "Probably. What are their names?" he asked her, and she scrunched up her eyebrows. "Ugh, I can't remember. Its two girls, but I don't know. I guess the firm represents some of their friends, but they want a younger girl, so as long as we get along, they're mine." Andrew nodded, always impressed with how successful Scarlett was at work.

"It smells amazing!" she said, glancing at the kitchen, and he gave her a squeeze, arms still wrapped around her. "I made tacos. Are you hungry angel?" Andrew asked sweetly, and Scarlett blushed nodding. Andrew always made her feels so loved. "I'm starving, Baby Girl wants tacos," she said with a grin, patting her stomach, and he giggled a little. "I'm not really joking, she's been moving a bit," she told Andrew seriously. "Here, feel," she offered, pulling her dress up so he could put his hand on her protruding belly. He felt her stomach but didn't feel anything at first, looking at her with a frown. "I don't think she's gonna do it for me," Andrew said, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

He picked up his hand, wrapping it back around Scarlett, and he kissed her forehead. "I love you so much angel," he said softly leaning into her, and the baby kicked again. "Wait Andrew, she moved again. Try again, but this time talk to her," Scarlett encouraged, and Andrew looked at her hesitantly, feeling a little awkward. "Go on, I think she likes your voice baby. Just try it," she said, knowing how much he had wanted to feel the baby move. He paused before putting his hand on Scarlett's stomach again, this time leaning over a bit, putting his face close to her belly, and then he looked up at her with hesitation. "This feels kind of weird Scar." She smiled at him and nodded her head. "I know it does, but I promise, she wants to hear your voice," she said kindly to him, running her hands gently through his mop of red hair and scratching his scalp lightly to relax him. He smiled and leaned down again.

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