Chapter 35

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A/N: This story is coming to an end! One more chapter after this. This one has fluffy romantic smut, so just be aware if that's not your thing. 

Three weeks after Andrew had gone to Tiffany & Co., Scarlett woke up on a Saturday morning to see Andrew holding Maggie, bouncing her on his knee carefully in the chair he'd put into their bedroom for them to sit with the baby. "Good morning, you two," Scarlett said, rubbing her eyes hazily. "Did I sleep in? What's going on?" she asked, and Andrew laughed. "Nah, I just got up early, couldn't sleep, you know? I heard this little girl cooing in her room so I figured I'd go get her and have some daddy-daughter time." He smiled a little at Scarlett, and she grinned watching as he made Maggie laugh, tickling under her little neck as she squealed.

"Aw, baby, she's growing up so fast," Scarlett said, her voice a little bit wistful. "Can you believe she's already four months old?" Andrew shook his head a bit, bringing Maggie over to Scarlett and handing the little girl to her mom so she could get some snuggles. "I really can't, she's such a big girl," Andrew said, running a hand through his red waves.

"Um, baby?" he asked her softly, and Scarlett looked up, laying Maggie down on her back on the bed and moving her little feet and legs back and forth. "What's up?" she asked, flashing a bright smile her man's way, and he looked down nervously at his feet. "I um... I asked my mom and Ron to come back today, to stay for a few days. I hope that's OK," he started, and Scarlett grinned. "Sounds awesome!" she cheered, leaning in to Maggie. "Wanna see GiGi and Pops, Maggie Moo?" she asked, smiling sweetly at Maggie as the baby laughed. Andrew cleared his throat. "I was thinking, since you've been caring for her nonstop and working too, maybe we could... you know, maybe my mom could keep her tonight and we could go to dinner and stay in Santa Monica for the night?" Andrew asked, scratching his jaw.

Scarlett's eyes went wide, a tiny smile on her plump lips. "You want to leave her for the entire night?" she asked, partially excited for time with Andrew and partially nervous to leave Maggie for that long. "Well, sweetheart, it's only one night, and my mom will be with her. I just figured... you know, maybe you could use a little break. Or we... well, you know, we could spend a little time together?" he ventured, giving Scarlett puppy dog eyes, and she giggled at how cute he was. "Well, I mean, I do want some alone time with you," Scarlett said softly, and Andrew sat gingerly on the side of the bed, grabbing her forearm lightly. "I do too," he said lowly, leaning into her and kissing her gently on the lips. "I went ahead and booked us at Shutters on the Beach," he said, looking up into her clear blue eyes. "I hope that's OK, baby," he told her, and Scarlett smiled. "Wow, really? What's the occasion?" she asked, and he laughed, shrugging his shoulders a little as he looked down at his hands. "Nothing, just wanted to do something sweet for my sweet," he said with a laugh, and Scarlett beamed, eyes shining.

Kara and Ron arrived, Ubering from LAX, and they both seemed more excited than ever to see Scarlett, Andrew and the baby. Kara kept grabbing Scarlett's arm, hugging her tightly, and Scarlett could have sworn she even saw Kara tearing up a little, but she knew how much Andrew's mom loved visiting Maggie, so Scarlett didn't think much of it. With Kara watching the baby, Scarlett went and quickly packed an overnight bag, and she started to think about the trip a bit, feeling a warm tingle in her stomach as she thought about Andrew wanting to spend time alone. As they got closer and closer, Scarlett had started to feel more and more comfortable with their relationship. He was hands-down the best partner she could ask for, and not just as a co-parent for Maggie, but as her boyfriend. He showered her with affection, treated her like a princess, and made her feel absolutely gorgeous, and as she thought about him, she started to feel a shift inside her. Her heart had fully opened up to him, and as she daydreamed about him, she bit her lip, thinking about whether she was ready for more.

Andrew stuck his head in their room, asking Scarlett if she was ready to go, and then they both went downstairs to say goodbye to his parents. Scarlett held Maggie in her arms, kissing all over the baby's face as she giggled, and she felt tears falling at the thought of being away from her little girl, even as she knew she'd be safe with Kara. "I'm sorry," she wailed to Kara as Andrew held Maggie and hugged her, and Kara shook her head. "This is normal, Scar, it's completely natural. Of course, you'll miss her. But Mom and Dad deserve a break too, and don't worry, I'll text you and keep you updated on everything that's happened, alright sweetheart?" the older woman said, hugging Scarlett reassuringly as Andrew put Maggie in her little swing, picking up Scarlett's bag and bringing it to the car.

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