Chapter 33

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The first few hours after the baby was born were a complete blur to Scarlett. She was exhausted, overwhelmed, and she had suffered a little bit of high blood pressure after the baby had arrived, so she was immediately given fluids and instructed to rest. The nurses took the baby to the nursery for a bit to have a bath and they let Scarlett sleep, instructing Andrew to come along while the baby had her first bath. Hazy from the pain medication and pain she felt from her blood pressure, Scarlett slept soundly, not even realizing they were gone, and when she woke up, Andrew and the baby were back in the room. The nurses had taught Andrew how to swaddle her, and she was sleeping soundly in her little bassinette when Scarlett woke up in a daze.

"Andrew? Are you here? Where's the baby?" she asked softy, rubbing her eyes, and Andrew flew to the chair by her side, sitting down and leaning in a bit. "Hello Sleeping Beauty," he said softly. "Are you feeling OK? I hope you got some rest," he said, and she looked around feeling a bit confused. She saw the baby laying in her little bassinette and smiled a little, looking at Andrew. "You got her to sleep?" she asked, and Andrew shook his head. "I wouldn't say that," he said gently. "More like Nurse Wendy got her to sleep and I stood by and supervised," he said with a grin. "They told me they'll be back in like 30 minutes to help you nurse her," Andrew added, and Scarlett nodded.

"I did text our parents, and no surprise, my mom is on the first flight out," Andrew said, rolling his eyes slightly, and he laughed when he saw how excited Scarlett looked. "My stepdad is coming out too, I hope that's all OK," he said, and Scarlett nodded. "Of course its OK," she told Andrew honestly. "Your dad said he'd call and talk to you when you were feeling more awake and alert, and they'll talk to you about when you want them to come," Andrew told her, and Scarlett smiled a little, thinking about her father.

"Ryland has texted me about 300 times," Andrew said, and Scarlett laughed a little. "They want to know when they can come back, and I told them to pump the breaks." Scarlett smiled, suddenly eager to share the moment with everyone. "You can tell them they can come," she said softly. "Kelsey too," she added, gesturing for Andrew to text everyone, and he obediently did so, surprised to hear Scarlett was up to visitors.

Scarlett sighed a bit as Andrew perched on the side of her hospital bed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her gently. "What's wrong angel, you seem a little... I don't know, just not quite happy," Andrew asked, and Scarlett shook her head. "No, its not that, I'm really happy, I just... I don't know, I was just thinking how much I wish my mom was around to see this. You know, to see me happy, with someone like you, and with a beautiful baby girl." Scarlett bit her bottom lip. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin the happy mood," she whispered, and Andrew frowned. "Don't apologize baby, I completely understand. I'm sure that is hard that you can't share this with your mom." He looked at her with pursed lips, leaning down to kiss her lips softly. He cleared this throat a little, trying to decide if this was the right time to bring up what he'd been thinking.

"Scar," he started a little hesitantly, not wanting to upset her too much. "Hmmm?" she hummed softly, resting her head on his chest. "Well, sweetheart, I had an idea about a name for little miss, but I don't know how you'll feel about it." She looked up into his sweet brown eyes, raising an eyebrow. "Really, you do?" she asked. "Yeah, well, we never discussed this before, but thinking about all of this, I was just thinking... what if we named the little one after your mom?" he suggested timidly, biting his lip as he awaited her response. To his relief, Scarlett grinned immediately, tears pricking.

"You want to name her Margaret?" she asked, in awe of how sweet and sentimental her adorable red-headed man could be. "Sure, yeah, we could call her Maggie or something," he said, letting Scarlett think over the name. "Maggie... that's really cute," she said quietly. "I like that idea a lot. Margaret Siwicki, and call her Maggie." She furrowed her brows, tossing the name back and forth in her mind. "Andrew, can I make an addition?" she asked, and he laughed. "Of course, boss, you can even veto if you aren't sold," he told her and she shook her head. "No, I love the name. But I think we should make her middle name Kara, after your mom. After all, she's supported us from the first minute. I think it would be nice to include them both," Scarlett pitched, and Andrew felt his heart bursting. "Margaret Kara Siwicki," he said softly. "It really does have a nice ring to it, even if we'll need to buy an actual stock in Kleenex once my mom hears the name," he said with a sarcastic grin, and Scarlett smiled as he gave her a squeeze.

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