Chapter 21

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Scarlett woke up feeling groggy and dazed. Her eyes fluttered a little and she shifted around cautiously before she noticed. She was laying in her bed, wrapped up in Andrew's big strong arms, his hands protectively around her waist as hers lay softly on his chest. She could feel his heart beating steadily, and everything from the day before came rushing back to her. She looked up at him, sure she'd find him fast asleep as it was early on a Monday morning, but when she gazed up, he was awake, laying there looking at her. As he noticed she caught him watching her, he blushed a deep crimson before giving her a small smile.

"Good morning," Scar said, voice quiet and raspy. "Good morning to you Sleeping Beauty," Andrew whispered to her, and she smiled a little, leaning up to kiss him gently on his jaw. "Did you sleep OK? Sorry I'm such a snuggly sleeper," Scarlett said sheepishly, realizing that she hadn't moved the entire night from his grasp, and he shook his head. "Why in the world would you apologize for that Scar?" he asked her with a grin. She sighed a little, smiling shyly. "I don't know, some people don't like to be touched when they sleep, they get overheated. And especially next to a super-round, super-pregnant person. I feel like a sauna," she said, and he grinned. "Oh, no, not me, it doesn't bother me at all. You know me, Scarlett, I usually sleep like three hours a night. This is the best night's sleep I've had in a long time." She looked up into his sparkling brown eyes and smiled brightly. "Me too," she whispered as Andrew dipped down to catch her lips in a sweet kiss as she sighed.

"Andrew," Scarlett said softly, pulling her arms around his neck and lightly grazing the back of his neck with her nails as he closed his eyes, liking the feeling. "Yes, baby," he asked sweetly, fluttering his eyes softly at her. "Um, well... last night was, um," she didn't know why but she suddenly felt nervous, wanting so badly to pour her heart out to him, but not wanting to move too fast. "It was the best night of my life, Andrew," she said quietly, looking down a little as he held her. He pulled her as close to him as he possibly could, kissing both of her cheeks softly and then her lips. He looked at her with the sweetest grin she'd ever seen as whispered to her, "mine too."

Scarlett grabbed her phone from her nightstand, glancing at it quickly, and she groaned, wiggling out of Andrew's arms to try to get up and shower for work.

"NOOOO!" Andrew whined, holding onto her waist as she giggled. "Don't get up yet, stay here and keep me warm you sauna," he teased, and she laughed. "Baby, I have to go to work. We corporate types get up early," she said, and Andrew rolled his eyes playfully. "Bunch of savages," he grumbled, and she smiled sweetly at him. "I'm going to be taking three months off for the Bean's arrival, I have to get all my hours in now so I don't get booted from all the good cases." Andrew nodded a little. "That's good, you've already got everything taken care of with your job and the baby?" he asked her, and she nodded. "You know, I'll be able to help you with everything, especially the first few months. I'm no expert but I've heard it can be tough," Andrew offered.

Scarlett smiled at him. "Oh, you'll be helping me darling," she said to him with a smile, and he grinned bashfully. "I know, I'm just saying, I don't have, like, a regular job. I can be here whenever. Even after the first three months." She nodded a little, reaching out to grab his hand. "That's going to be great for the Bean. She's gonna love being a Daddy's girl," she said sweetly, and the way she said it made Andrews heart burst.

Andrew sat watching Scarlett as she bustled around, grabbing clothes for work and looking for professional shoes that wouldn't hurt her feet which were starting to feel swelled. "Baby, do you... well, do you want to go on our date tonight?" Andrew asked Scarlett gently, and she stopped running around to look at him. "Of course, I should be home from work no later than 6 today," she said, eyes shining. She glanced at Andrew sitting there in her bed and she smiled to herself at how cute he looked in the morning, his crazy red hair even crazier, sticking up in all directions, his sweet brown eyes a little hazy. His voice was even quieter than usual, and raspy. He looked so adorable, and she felt her heart rate quicken a little at how cute he looked. He made her heart flutter, she thought to herself, he really did.

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