Chapter 31

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Moving day came up fast for both Andrew and Scarlett. After her big decision about the move, Scarlett broke the news to Kelsey, and both girls cried their eyes out. Kelsey always knew Scarlett wouldn't continue living with her when the baby came, especially with her doing videos for her channel all the time, but they were both still teary at the idea of parting ways after eight years as roommates. Scarlett carefully packed up her things, with help from Kelsey and Morgan, and she and Andrew ordered new furniture from Restoration Hardware.

Kara had the baby furniture sent to the Palisades house, and Andrew and Ryland painstakingly painted and decorated the nursery to Scarlett's specifications. Ryland took control of the project, scouting the shabby chic style Scarlett preferred for bedding, lighting and other baby décor, and Andrew followed his instructions and did the manual labor. Ryland even filmed it for his channel, though neither Andrew nor Scarlett were comfortable with him posting about the baby. He promised to hold the footage and wait until they gave him the go-ahead. Scarlett was thrilled with the outcome and felt like everything was coming together with the baby's arrival.

Andrew and Shane were working furiously on the plastic surgery documentary, and with only two more weeks until Scarlett's due date, both wanted the video posted as soon as possible. Shane had already agreed to Andrew's request for an extended break when the baby arrived, and Ryland was thrilled, thinking it would give him ample time to get Shane wedding-planning. Shane wanted the plastic surgery series posted before the break began, so Andrew was trying hard to push it and get it done, concerned that Scarlett could possibly go into labor early.

One Saturday, he woke up early in the new house with plans to go to Shane's and edit away. Scarlett was already awake, having trouble sleeping as she was so close to the end of the pregnancy. He broke the news about his Saturday at Shane's and she smiled at him before he thought to himself.

"Scar, why don't you come along today and hang out at the house?" he asked and she furrowed her brows. "Andy, I don't want to do that. I'm comfortable, I just want to hang out here and watch TV with my feet up," she said with a groan. "I know baby, but I really need to work today, and well... I'm sort of nervous to leave you here alone," Andrew said, scratching his stubbled jaw. Scarlett rolled her eyes. "Andrew, I'm pregnant, I'm not an invalid. I'm fine alone," she protested, but Andrew shook his head. "I'd just feel better if you came with. You can hang out with Ryland, and I'll text Morgan and make her come over too. Just do it for me, as a favor," he asked, his chocolate brown eyes pleading with her, and she grinned. "Ugh, those sweet brown eyes can make me do anything, "she giggled to herself. "Fine, I'll come, but you have to stop and get me a milkshake first," she said, wiggling her eyebrows as she'd been drinking the exact same strawberry milkshake from a local Palisades burger joint since they'd moved to the new house. It was her latest pregnancy craving, and Andrew acquiesced, happy she agreed to come along.

As they pulled up to Shane's house, they were met at the front door by Morgan, ready to hang out all day and dote on her blonde friend. "Scar, you look so adorable!" she said sweetly, grabbing Scarlett's hand and hugging it to her chest. "Can I feel?" she asked, gesturing to Scarlett's belly, and the blonde attorney nodded, smiling at Morgan's child-like exuberance over her round tummy. Morgan put both hands on Scarlett's belly and grinned. "Hello, baby girl!" she shrieked with a huge smile. "How are you in there? And more importantly, are you gonna be a ginger too?" She and Scarlett cracked up as Andrew rolled his eyes. "I've said a million times, if God has any sort of heart, she'll be a blonde beauty like her mom," Andrew said, and Scarlett shook her head. "I hope she looks just like you, handsome," she told Andrew, leaning up to kiss his cheek sweetly, and he blushed.

As they made their way into the house, Ryland popped out of the kitchen, ready to greet them. "Hey guys!" he cheered, already holding a glass of Tito's in one hand, and Scarlett couldn't help but laugh at him drinking vodka at 2 pm in the afternoon. He had on his new "Ryland" blue merch hoodie, and Scarlett complimented him on it. "You can have one Scar! Do you want a teensy one to fit you post-baby, or you know, one to fit you... like now?" he asked, and Scarlett groaned. "Ugh whatever! I'm as big as a house, you don't have to remind me!" she exclaimed, and Morgan and Andrew both sighed. "You look beautiful," Morgan said, shaking her head in disgust, and Andrew agreed.

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