Chapter 22

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Everything was progressing well, both with Baby Girl Siwicki, and with her parents and their newfound relationship. A few weeks had gone by since Andrew had told Scarlett he loved her, and she was getting close to 30 weeks along. She felt uncomfortable, and while she still really wasn't showing that much, looking as if there was a soccer ball poking out from her rail-thin body, she was obviously pregnant, and there was no hiding it from anyone. She was trying everything she could do to keep up with working out and eating healthy, trying to ensure she felt good and could get through the third trimester alright. She continued to work long hours, though she did work at times from home, and she was relieved with how understanding her firm had been.

The relationship with Andrew was going great as well. Though they'd agreed to take things slow when they first decided to be together, it was hard for both of them to actually put that into practice. Scarlett had been right, they were already so far along in their friendship that it just seemed silly to act like a timid new couple. They knew everything about each other, they spent all their free time together, and of course, they shared a child. Everything about their relationship was deep, serious, and intense. And despite Scarlett's initial reservations, it was OK. The love Scarlett felt for Andrew was unlike anything she'd ever experienced before. She thought about him constantly, but it wasn't just new relationship infatuation. She cared about his feelings, his work, his health and sleep habits. Every time she saw something that Andrew would like, she wanted to buy it on spot. Every time she heard something he'd think was funny, she wanted to text him immediately to let him know. It was bizarre, crazy and wonderful. And Scarlett tried to embrace it, encouraged by Andrew's more dreamy and romantic personality. But there was one aspect of the relationship where Scarlett felt it was imperative to go slowly.

The more time they spent together, the more they were all over each other. They couldn't keep their hands off each other, spending hours just making out in each other's arms like 16-year-olds hiding from their parents. Scarlett was the most beautiful girl Andrew had ever been with, and that coupled with the intense feelings he had for her made it so that he couldn't get enough of her. They obviously had a lot of physical chemistry, given the way they'd met in the first place, but it was more than that. Thy were so deeply in love already, and the physical part of their relationship was the only thing lagging behind.

Scarlett couldn't deny her attraction to her sweet-hearted man. He was so handsome that he made her heart race. But there were things holding her back from taking the relationship to the next level. Selfishly, she felt completely unattractive, not used to the extra weight and the general sick look in her eyes and face pretty much all the time. She almost couldn't believe that during this time of her life where all she wanted to do was lay around with her new man in various states of undress, she didn't feel comfortable with her body for the first time in her 25 years. But there was more. She couldn't help but feel like waiting to have sex with Andrew would somehow solidify that their relationship was a unique thing, apart from her getting pregnant with the baby. Of course, they'd done it before. But it was only once, and they barely knew each other. Scarlett wanted a do-over on their first time, and she wanted to wait until the pregnancy was over and she felt more herself.

Andrew was understanding, though it was tough on him. He was so intensely attracted to her, and he felt like she was crazy when it came to her concerns about her pregnancy body. He thought she was absolutely gorgeous, and strangely, the fact that she was carrying his child made her even more beautiful to him. But he wanted to respect her and he knew how important it was to her to wait. So he acquiesced. Every time they lay together in her bed, his arms around her as they kissed passionately, she'd remind him that they'd have plenty of time to do more. He recalled a time where she looked so beautiful in the morning, laying quietly with her blonde hair a mess, wearing just a tank top and panties, and it was all he could to keep from throwing her on the bed and just taking her. He sighed, taking a deep breath when she cautioned him, and she felt bad for him.

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