Chapter 6

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A month had passed since Scarlett had found out she was pregnant, and things were slowly starting to improve. Scarlett had told her father about the pregnancy, which was literally the hardest thing she'd ever had to do, next to telling Andrew, but he had taken it OK. After not speaking to her for two days, he called back, and they talked for a long time. Her stepmother Kay had encouraged her dad to go easy on Scarlett, given everything that had happened to her with Rowe and the engagement, and Scarlett appreciated it. She didn't need their support, but she wanted it, and she had to admit she slept better at night knowing that her family was there for her. She'd confided in a few other friends as well, her best friend Elise from law school and a few other friends from L.A. whom she was close with. Kelsey had been a complete rock, supporting her endlessly, and Scarlett had to admit she needed it. Between the emotional rollercoaster of navigating the whole thing to the raging morning sickness she had experienced since pretty much the day she'd taken the test, she was a wreck, and Kelsey was with her every step of the way. LeAnne had set her up with her friend Sasha Brown, an OBGYN in Beverly Hills, and Scarlett had spoken on the phone with Dr. Brown's office and had made the first appointment to come in and check on the baby.

And then there was Andrew. The day she had texted him, he called her, and they had talked for a long time about how they were feeling. Andrew had told her he wanted to be as involved as she'd allow him, and she had to admit that it melted her heart when he told her how he felt about the baby. He was a genuinely good guy, and she was quietly relieved that her one-night stand had ended up being such a sweetheart. He had been so timid when asking her if he could be around the baby, and she felt almost guilty that in her attempt to make it clear that he didn't have to be involved, she had possibly given him the impression that she didn't want him to be. She assured him that she would keep him in the loop and that they'd work something out when it came to the baby, and she genuinely meant it when she told him she wanted them to be friends. And slowly, they were becoming friends.

They talked and texted a lot, to the point where they were doing so daily, and when they'd been talking for about a month, it was time for Scarlett to go see Dr. Brown, and she bravely invited Andrew to come to the appointment with her. At first, he hesitated, not wanting to intrude or invade her space, but she told him it was fine, and deep down, she wanted someone with her. Kelsey had told her she'd go, but for some reason, she felt like Andrew should be there, like it would make it more real for them both if they went together. So he picked her up at her apartment and headed to the posh Beverly Hills office where Dr. Brown had her practice. They parked and Andrew rushed to her side to open the car door for her, and she smiled slightly. No matter how many times he opened her door for her, she was always surprised, and she couldn't help but wonder if he did that for everyone, or if the chivalry was reserved only for pregnant ladies.

He shuffled his feet nervously as they stood in front of the elevator, waiting to ride up to the 7th floor, and Scarlett noticed how he looked at his shoes and cleared his throat. She peered over at him, wanting to calm him down a bit. "Andrew, you know it's me that has to put my legs in those stirrups, not you, right?" she teased, and Andrew chuckled a bit. "I know," he said, scratching the back of his neck, and Scarlett pursed her lips. During the time she'd known him, she'd started to realize the things he did when he was nervous or uncomfortable, and that was one of the main signs. "What's up?" she asked him, looking straight into his soft brown eyes. "If you're this nervous now, you might not be a great candidate to be in the delivery room. Only one of us can flip out, and its gonna be me buddy," she said softly, teasing him, and he smiled.

"No, it's just... well, I'm worried about explaining to this doctor our... you know, our... weird situation," he told her, chewing on his lip. "I know that's pretty much the most selfish thing to worry about right about now, but what can I say? I'm an incredibly immature 27 year old idiot so..." Scarlett laughed out loud, always finding Andrew's self-deprecating honesty so charming. "It's OK, idiot," she gently ribbed him, and he shot her a grin. "Dr. Brown is LeAnne's friend, so she's already been fully filled in on, you know... 'our situation,'" Scarlett said with a wry smile, and Andrew breathed a sigh of relief. "OK, good," he said, letting out a huge breath he didn't know he had been holding. "Because I was definitely preparing to get some evil stares from all the nurses when I explained who I was," he said, and Scarlett rolled her eyes playfully. "You've seen Knocked Up one too many times, I think," she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him out of the elevator as they made their way into the office.

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