Chapter 30

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Andrew and Scarlett headed to the Mercedes dealership about a week after their parents both went home. Scarlett had spent the better part of the week thinking about the move and what her father had said about it. She considered everything, playing the pros and cons over and over in her head, and even making lists on her yellow legal notepads at work. She couldn't stop obsessing over the potential move, and she was desperate to make the right decision. She hadn't said anything else to Andrew about it, and he hadn't pushed or prodded her. His silence on the subject made her more anxious, as she knew it meant she'd have to make the decision on her own. The two were headed to trade Scarlett's sedan in for a larger child-friendly SUV which they'd scouted online and test-driven. Scarlett had decided quickly that the new SUV would work for her, and while Andrew agreed to go along, he knew this was the type of thing Scarlett could do all on her own, with no help from anyone.

"Man, this is when you know you're getting old, Scar," Andrew teased on the way. "Shopping for a kid-friendly SUV. Next thing you know, we'll be getting a mini-van," the red-head joked, and Scarlett shook her head. "I'd be fine with a mini-van," she said with a bright smile. "I don't care, as long as its easy to get her in and safe for her."

Andrew smiled at her sunny disposition. Despite the fact that she was pretty far along in her pregnancy and was starting to feel extra round and extra uncomfortable, she'd been in the best mood since her father had visited. Andrew couldn't help but think the visit had done her some good, as she was more at peace than ever. He had tossed and turned the idea of bringing up her potential move for the past week, but he kept telling himself over and over again not to push her, that she'd come around when she was ready. He worried she wouldn't get there before the baby came, and he was silently preparing himself for the disappointment of moving into his new house alone, while Scarlett and the baby lived in some apartment.

They headed into the dealership, making their way up to the front desk to ask for their salesman Jonah, whom they'd worked with on Ryland's recommendation. As they waited for Jonah to come out, Scarlett heard someone clearing his throat behind her.

"My god, it's true," the voice said. "I thought it was just a rumor." Scarlett didn't even have to turn around before she recognized the voice behind her. Before she could gather herself, her heart started to pound out of her chest, and she felt like she was suffocating. She slowly turned around and saw Rowe standing there, arms folded across his chest, and Scarlett's eyes grew wide.

"Um, hi," she said quietly as Andrew turned around to see who she was talking to. She smiled tightly as Rowe looked at her, glancing down at her swollen belly, his eyes traveling from Andrew back to Scarlett. He laughed a little bit, amused by the entire thing, and he shook his head slightly.

"Scarlett," Rowe said, his voice a mix of annoyance and pity as he looked her over. "Well, well, well, I had heard the rumors about your... you know, situation... but I really didn't believe you'd let that happen. Apparently, I don't know you as well as I thought." He scratched his jaw, running a hand through his mass of dark hair as Scarlett struggled to get words out. She stood in place, frozen, unable to come up with anything to say to him to diffuse the situation and there was no getting away, as they were waiting for Jonah to bring the new car around. She glanced to Andrew, and his eyes narrowed. He'd never seen Rowe, not even a picture of him, but for some reason, he had the feeling it was Scarlett's ex he was looking at by his rudeness and her reaction.

Before Scarlett could say anything, Rowe continued. "Wow, you really look like you're about to pop," he said snidely. "Doesn't seem that long ago that you were a literal goddess. Man, pregnancy doesn't suit you." Scarlett gasped and Andrew had had enough "Woah, woah, let's just all calm down," Andrew said quietly in his trademark soft-spoken voice.

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