Chapter 24

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Scarlett walked into her office the next day, clad in a "work-appropriate" outfit that was still sort of young. She was all set to meet her potential new clients, two girls about her age who shared a YouTube channel which was apparently pretty popular. Scarlett hadn't had much time to research the girls as she normally would when meeting potential clients. Her boss Cheryl had came to her the evening before, right before Scarlett left, and she told her the girls had met with two older male partners at the firm, and they weren't comfortable with the guys and wanted a younger female who could relate better to them. Cheryl asked Scarlett to meet with them the next morning and didn't give her much more information on them. Scarlett was nervous and excited about the prospect. She liked to be prepared for client meetings, but Cheryl had said that as long as the girls got along with her personally, the file was hers as the girls were already set on using the firm.

Scarlett sat down at her desk with a cup of tea, reviewing her e-mails and returning voicemails. Her assistant Trista buzzed her phone, telling her that the girls had arrived, and Scarlett asked Trista to send them in. A few minutes later, Trista knocked on the office door, and when Scarlett waved her in, the assistant led the two girls into the room. Scarlett glanced their way, taking in the tall, thin red-headed girl and her tiny, pint-sized ash-blonde friend, flashing them a kind smile.

"Hi, I'm Scarlett Woods," the blonde lawyer said, offering her hand to shake, and the tall red-head immediately took her hand, shrieking a little. "Oh my god, you're SO cute! Look at your adorable pregnant belly!" Scarlett smiled a bit, looking down at her protruding tummy, poking out under her skinny black pants and ice-blue top, covered by a slim black blazer. "I'm sorry, I'm Erin! You're just so adorable, I can't!" She turned to the tiny blonde girl. "This is Carly," the girl named Erin said, and Carly grinned. "Hi! It's great to meet you, wow, you are gorgeous!" she gushed, and Scarlett smiled.

"Pleased to meet you both, have a seat," she said, gesturing to her office chairs as the girls glanced around her office, checking out her UVA and USC diplomas hanging on the wall, framed pictures of Scarlett with her girlfriends from college, and some decorative stuff Scarlett had bought from Z. Gallerie to make the office more attractive. "How cute is this?" Carly shrieked as they both sat down, and Scarlett quickly offered them both drinks, sweetly asking Trista to grab them both coffees.

"So, I have to admit to you guys, I haven't been given much information about you," Scarlett said, looking at the very sparse file she'd be provided on Carly and Erin. "I see you've been on YouTube for four years and have over one million subscribers, so that's amazing. Tell me about yourselves and what you're looking for from us," Scarlett said with a smile, and Carly and Erin looked to each other, exchanging grins.

"Well, we're best of friends, and we started on Vine," Erin said, waving her hands as she talked. "We're in the Vlog Squad, and David Dobrik suggested your firm to us because we want to take our merch and sponsorships and endorsement deals to a new level. I'm engaged and Carly and I just feel like our whole brand has grown since we started out in 2016, so you know, we need someone smart who can go after it for us." Erin paused, looking at Carly, and the blonde jumped in, continuing Erin's thought. "Yeah, we want to grow and mature, but like, we're still young and single. We can't see ourselves being represented by, you know, an older man. No offense, I know David's guy is like 60, and that's just not..." Carly paused and Erin jumped back in.

"We want someone we can relate to. When we said yesterday that we weren't comfortable, your boss immediately thought of you. She told us you were top of the class at USC and everything, but she also said your personality might be more suited to ours. We're not worried about your ability to work for us. You wouldn't be at this firm if you weren't good. We just want to get along and trust you." Erin flashed Scarlett a smile. "We read your resume and you seem great," Carly added with a smile.

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