Chapter 25

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Once Andrew had talked to Scarlett about the house, he was motivated to move forward, thinking about how soon it would be until the baby arrived. Andrew still hoped Scarlett would eventually move in, but he figured even if it took her awhile to feel ready, he could still invest in a great place for the baby to live, and he believed Scarlett would eventually get there. Shane put him in touch with his realtor Sally, and one Friday when Scarlett had taken off work, the two set off with Sally to look at three houses she'd found for them. Garrett had wanted to hang out, so Andrew told him he could come along as well, and the two boys picked Scarlett up from her apartment, heading to the first place which was near her Hollywood Hills apartment.

When Scarlett came out of her apartment, Garrett immediately popped out of the front seat and held the door open for her so she could get in. "Aw, such a gentleman, Gare-Bear," she said sweetly, giggling as Garrett enveloped her in a giant hug. "Of course, Scarlett, you're a lady with a baby!" Garrett exclaimed and Scarlett laughed. "I hope it's OK that I'm tagging along Scar," the tall sandy-haired man said sweetly, and the blonde smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I'm tagging along too, Gare, this is Andrew's house, I don't get a say," she said softly, and Andrew shook his head a little. "You definitely get a say, baby," he said, glancing over to her and grinning. She made eye contact with him, playfully rolling her eyes, and he flashed his puppy dog eyes at her. "Andrew," she warned, trying to remind him of her reservations. He offered her his right hand while he steered with the left, giving her the cutest grin he'd ever seen. "I mean you have to approve the baby's room Scarlett," he protested, and Garrett laughed as Scarlett shook her head a little.

"So what are you guys thinking about names for this little chickadee?" Garrett asked, and Scarlett and Andrew looked at each other. They had tossed some names around, but nothing was really sticking. They'd bought some baby name books and looked online, but there weren't really any names that spoke to them. Scarlett had originally liked the name Morgan when she was younger, but of course, with Morgan a huge part of their lives, it didn't seem right to use that name. She'd suggested her second favorite name, Sophie, but Andrew had dated a girl named Sophie in college and couldn't see naming his daughter after an ex. Garrett had suggested Claire, an ode to the doll in their old office space, and Scarlett vetoed that one. The subject was one that always seemed to make them both anxious.

"Um, we don't know Garrett, we'll probably end up waiting and naming her when she arrives," Andrew said with a shrug. "Maybe if we see her, she'll look like a certain name or something and it will just happen," Scarlett said hopefully and Garrett nodded.

As they pulled up to the first house, buried deep in the Hills, Andrew looked around, furrowing his brows. "Hmmm, this reminds me of Shane and Ryland's old house," he said, and Garrett nodded. "Yeah, the driveway does. I'm getting major 2017 vibes here," Garrett laughed, and Andrew nodded. "Remember the video with my reveal in the dirty bathroom mirror Scar?" Andrew asked, and Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, but that house seemed pretty nice," she said, and Garrett shrugged. "It was great for us, but we're a bunch of immature YouTubers who spent a lot of time getting high and videoing stuff," the taller guy said, and Scarlett guffawed. "I don't know how good it would be for a baby," Andrew said softly as they went inside to meet Sally.

As they looked around, Andrew wasn't happy. The house was cute and Scarlett pointed out all of the positives, but Andrew frowned about the idea that there were only two bedrooms and that the yard wasn't fully fenced. "This just isn't good for a kid," Andrew said as Scarlett grabbed his hand in hers. "Well, baby, it's two bedrooms and its just, you know, one little baby," she said, liking the house because it was under Andrew's healthy budget. He shook his head. "No, this doesn't give me family vibes, where would she even play?" he asked, pointing out the yard with the concrete patio and sharp cliff views. He wasn't convinced, so they headed on to the next.

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