Chapter 13

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A few days after Scarlett had talked to Andrew's mom, things were progressing well with the pregnancy. They'd exchanged numbers and started texting, much to Andrew's dismay, but Scarlett liked Kara immediately, and vice versa. Andrew had been right, she did want to treat Scarlett like a daughter, but for some reason, Scarlett didn't mind. It could have been the absence of her own mother, or the fact that Scarlett's step-mom wasn't the type to call every day, but Scarlett was drawn to Kara, her easy-going nature, her kind spirit, and most of all, her maternal instincts. As they started to text and talk, the blonde lawyer began confiding in Kara, asking her questions about pregnancy, motherhood, infants, and anything else. Kara reveled in the relationship. She had known quite a few of Andrew's high school and college girlfriends and had gotten a long with them well, but she didn't ever get to know his ex Gabbie, and it always bothered her. Although Kara reminded herself daily that Scarlett and Andrew were not in a relationship, she couldn't help but wish they were, particularly as she got to know the brilliant attorney and saw how great she was with Andrew. But regardless, the two had formed a friendship, and both were cherishing it.

Scarlett was also enjoying her newfound friendships with the Squad. She and Morgan were quickly becoming close, with Morgan seeing Scarlett as a big sister of sorts. Scarlett adored the younger blonde, finding her hilarious, real and most of all, fun. They chatted constantly, and Andrew couldn't help but be pleased with Morgan's attempts to get to know Scarlett. She'd also become fast friends with Ryland, attending yoga with him several times per week at a studio in Hollywood where Ryland had gone prior to their move to Calabasas. Scarlett had always been active, training in ballet as a girl, but she hadn't ever tried yoga, and she was intimidated as Ryland was pretty good. The first day she went to his class, she quietly let the instructor know she was expecting, and to her surprise, the instructor had trained specifically in maternity yoga. She gave her poses and variations, and Scarlett was a natural. Yoga relaxed her and soothed her aching muscles, and she loved having Ryland as a workout partner. Shane's fiancée was funny, kind and generous, and he took to Scarlett immediately.

One Saturday, Scarlett headed to yoga with Ryland, driving in her silver Mercedes to meet up with him at the class about halfway from their houses. It was about 9 am, early for a Saturday, but she was surprised when Andrew called her while she was in the car.

"What are you doing up this early?" she asked him curiously, knowing how much Andrew cherished his Saturdays sleeping in. "Well, Shane and I have been banging away at the plastic surgery series, and today he wants to go out to the Valley and meet up with some doctor to interview. It's the only day she can do it, and we're supposed to be there at 10, so we're going there in a few minutes," Andrew explained, and Scarlett grinned a little. "You better get yourself some coffee," she said with a giggle, and she heard him laugh. "I'll be OK. Going with Ryland to yoga again?" he asked, and she told him she was headed to class. "Scar, be careful OK? Don't overdo it. Ryland says you're good at yoga, but make sure you, well, you know... just try to not exhaust yourself," Andrew warned, and Scarlett could hear the concern in his voice.

"I promise, I'll be careful," she said, smiling to herself at how nervous Andrew was, but also how thoughtful he could be. "You know, I bet Dr. Brown will tell you next week that I'm doing the right thing by exercising," she teased, and he sighed. "I'm sure she will too," Andrew said with a small giggle. They were supposed to go see Dr. Brown the following week for the big appointment, the 20 week ultrasound where they could find out the baby's gender. Scarlett had gone to see her the week prior, and while Andrew had volunteered to go again, she'd insisted he didn't need to go to small appointments, and he'd reluctantly agreed. But he was pleased when Scarlett told him that he could go to this one, and he was so excited about it that he was almost embarrassed to tell her how much he'd thought about it.

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