Chapter 36

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The sun shone through the windows of Shane's master bathroom, illuminating all of the mirrors and shiny cosmetics cases strewn throughout space. Andrew stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his light gray tie and pulling on the sleeves of his dress shirt nervously as Shane stood behind him, fidgeting with his own suit. Andrew glanced back at his best friend, smiling a little bit as he took in his fancy attire. "Well, buddy, I guess you really do love me to let Scarlett dress you up like that," the red-head said with a laugh, and Shane grinned. "I really do. But honestly, now that Ryland has seen me dressed like this, I'm afraid to see what he'll make me wear at our wedding," the YouTuber told his friend with a playful eyeroll.

It was about three months after Andrew had proposed to Scarlett in Santa Monica. After all of Scarlett's concerns and hesitation about moving too fast in the relationship, she was completely ready to have the wedding as soon as possible after Andrew proposed, not seeing the point of a long engagement. Andrew was pleased, as he wanted nothing but to be officially wed to his beautiful girl, and he went along easily with Scarlett's request to have a small, intimate wedding. Shane and Ryland generously offered the Calabasas property for the wedding, and Scarlett planned the event in three months flat, all the while working full-time at her firm and caring for Maggie. Ryland helped with every single detail, the two an unstoppable wedding planning duo. Her father and stepmother were a little disappointed, as they hadn't even started wedding planning when Scarlett was engaged to Rowe, and John had always planned a blowout formal wedding for his princess. But it was clear Scarlett had other plans, and Andrew gently encouraged her dad to go along with Scarlett's ideas, so John acquiesced.

It was about an hour before the wedding, and Andrew was starting to feel a little bit nervous as he waited in Shane's bathroom. Scarlett was downstairs in the guest room getting ready with Kelsey, her stepmother and Andrew's mom, and they were trying to avoid seeing each other before the ceremony, so Andrew was confined to the upstairs. He was anxious, nervous, and he honestly missed Scarlett, having stayed at Shane's the night before at Scarlett's insistence so that the surprise on the day of the wedding would be better. Andrew hated it, having grown so accustomed to being with Scarlett and Maggie all the time, but Scarlett had been so low-key about the wedding, and this was really the only thing she'd asked for, so Andrew figured he better honor her wishes and not try to sneak around to see her before he was given the green light.

Shane was nervously messing with his mop of reddish brown hair as there was a knock at the door, and Andrew answered to find Morgan standing there with Maggie dressed in a little white fluffy flower girl dress. "Hey Dad!" Morgan said softly, holding Maggie out for Andrew to take, and he gratefully pulled his little girl into his arms, showering her face with kisses as the little girl giggled. "Scar thought you might be missing your girls, so she sent me up here to bring you Maggie for a little while," Morgan said, and Andrew smiled to himself, thinking how well Scarlett knew him. Morgan was dressed in a pretty blush-colored empire waist dress with white flowers in her hair. Scarlett had decided to have only Kelsey as maid of honor, while Shane would serve as best man, but the bride had asked Morgan to carry Maggie up the aisle so the little girl could participate in the big day, and Morgan had cried her eyes out at the sweet request.

Andrew held Maggie in his arms, lifting her up in the air as she squealed and making funny faces at her, playing peek-a-boo with her and generally entertaining her as Morgan watched. He brought Maggie over to Shane, and Shane beamed when he saw the little girl. Maggie's eyes lit up when she saw him, and she held her arms out to him as Shane gasped. "Aw, Mags, you want to hang out with Uncle Shane?!" he cooed to the baby, feeling teary at how much he loved Andrew's daughter. "She loves her godfather," Andrew said softly, and Shane sighed. "He loves her," Shane said sweetly. "I'd give you the world, little girl," he told Maggie as she cooed.

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